Interlude: Our Dads

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A/N: A special Boruto/Sarada interlude this time! Takes place sometime in Sarada's life before she discovered the time-travel technique (like a flashback interlude). For cute and funsies, not particularly related to the storyline but a little bit to the last chapter. Since she's busy in her time-point, I didn't want to just go ahead to the next chapter with nothing in between.

.. Now I really wish I made Boruto come along with Sarada in this journey (I just got super inspired by myself T _T)


The Uchiha heiress and the blonde sat in the dango shop across from Ichiraku, sitting across from eachother as they munched on their newly bought sweets. The two of them, along with Mitsuki, had just finished a mission.

Mitsuki had abandoned them to go elsewhere, leaving the two to fend for food by themselves. They couldn't decide where to eat, so in the end, they could only come up with dessert.

The tiny blonde quickly finished swallowing his last bite of his second piece of dango before he began to speak. "Hey, did you hear? Rumor has it that the feudal lords want to gather a new group of elite ninjas to facilitate the country's super-political matters!"

"Woah!" Sarada exclaimed, struggling to stuff down the bite she had took of her strawberry dango. "Who do you think is going to be the leader?"

Boruto gave her look as if she had just asked the most ridiculous question in the world. "Obviously it's going to be my dad."

"What?" Sarada retorted, clearly looking offended. "If anything, it's my dad."

"That's impossible."

"And why is that?"

"Because." Boruto started, allowing a huge smirk to creep onto his face. "My dad's cooler."

Sarada scoffed in awe. "Your dad isn't the one with a super awesome bloodline. Besides, have you even seen when Sasuke activates Susano'o"?

"Yeah? Well, my Dad and I both have a cooler chakra than you and Uncle Sasuke!"

"That may be so, but he can still wipe him right out."

"He's the Hokage, though."

"My dad could've been the Hokage if he wanted to, too."

Boruto furrowed his eyebrows and scowled.

"Well," He paused for a second to think. "M-My dad has better connections with the villagers! He used to go to Ichiraku everyday!"

"YEAH?" Sarada practically shouted, causing Boruto to flinch back a little in surprise. She soon retreated and opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out for a brief moment. "My dad goes on missions a lot to.. Uh, to do good things!"

"My dad.." Boruto started. ".. My dad doesn't come home a lot because.. Um.. He does good, important Hokage-things!"

"My dad does more important things than your dad!"

"Nah, my dad has way more important things to do."

"Okay, like what?"

"Well, um.. You tell me first!"

"I asked you first."

At that moment, the two of them stared at eachother, attempting to read eachother's eyes. Soon, both of their fiery expressions began to disappear, replaced by tinges of sadness.

"Both of our dad's have important things to do... None of which includes us." Sarada said, almost in a whisper. The blonde stared down at his lap with sullen eyes.

Boruto spoke. "So is this really the battle of who has the worst dad?"

The two then exchanged glances with eachother, letting a few seconds pass by before both of them suddenly roared in huge laughter. After getting a good chuckle, their laughs slowly faded, allowing them to relax again.

"Hey, Sarada." Boruto started. "How much do you know about Uncle Sasuke?"

Sarada felt her heart drop, and she really wishes it hadn't. It didn't seem like it should.

"You mean other than the fact that everyone tells me he's a hero of the village, yet he's never home more than half the time?" She sparked, feeling a pang in her chest again. "No.. Not a lot."

She cocked her head to the side at the blonde. "What about you?"

Boruto practically wore the same expression as her. "All I know is that he seems to care for the village, but not his own son."

Ah, the irony.

"We don't really know a lot about our dad's, do we?"

The blonde shook his head, but agreeing with his friend's rhetorical question.

Suddenly remembering something, Sarada beamed and leaned forward at Boruto. "Hey, guess what?"

Boruto raised an eyebrow. "What?"

Sarada leaned in further until she was practically off the bench. She wore a huge smirk on her face. "I heard Uncle Naruto used to have a giant crush on my mom for several years."

"WHAT?" Boruto retorted, closing his mouth immediately after realizing that the customers in the store were all staring at him. After looking around at them, he returned his gaze to the Uchiha heiress and lowered his voice to a strong whisper. "Oh god, what the heck?! Your mom is seriously wack sometimes!"

Sarada immediately burst out in laughter because it was so true. She couldn't even imagine what it would be like if Naruto was married to her mom. All hell would break loose.

Boruto grinned at his friend's reaction, then paused. ".. I actually heard that your mom and Uncle Sasuke have a super complicated, romantic love story."

"Oh?" Sarada continued to smile in amusement.

".. But there were also rumors that he liked men."

"Seriously!?" This time, both Sarada and Boruto bursted out in laughter. Uchiha Sasuke was so emotionless that he could really pass off as swinging in the other direction. Who knew if he liked girls.

After taking a moment to cool down from his laughter, Boruto wiped a tear from his cheek and let out a large sigh. "I guess we just have a lot to figure out about our dads."

The Uchiha heiress grinned. She couldn't agree more.

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