Chapter 3

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By the time I got to the fifteenth person my jaw was aching. Who thought kissing could be so tiring. Maya had bumped my price up to four dollars, and still the guys kept on coming. Either people really wanted to donate to the animal shelter or were just desperate.  I was going to go with the latter. Makes you wonder if speed dating was like this? Probably less kissing involved, but equally as many desperate people. By the twentieth person, I had Maya massaging my shoulders but sent her off to get me a bottle of mouth wash.  Don’t get me wrong, there were plenty of attractive guys, who were all totally dateable, but this girl needed a break.

"Found Mr Right yet?" I heard Erin call. I had to wait for my current patron to get off my lips before I could answer her.

"I wasn't looking for Mr Right,” I snapped. “And if I was, I wouldn’t let it up to you to choose even if I was.”  Erin gasped looking like I had just accused her of killing my goldfish; which by the way she did. I rolled my eyes indicating I knew she was acting. That was Erin the artsy kid; and I mean all forms of art. From painting to dancing to singing and heck, she even did martial arts. Only because her parents wanted her to know some form of self-defence. Of course I tagged along for three months were I got kicked out for being too violent. What was I supposed to do? Let that guy get away with hitting Erin in the arm. You tell the man who’s mugging you, that he’s too violent. “Where’s Kasey and Bec?” I asked noticing the lack of arm candy.

“Oh Kasey is drooling over some adorable cheap toy, and I last saw Bec was at the sweet shop. No doubt restocking her lollypop supplies,” She giggled. “So how many more guys do you have left?”

“Ah two I think, Maya just went to get me lunch and mouth wash so she’ll be back soon to tell me. Anyway, the sooner I get through these last couple of lip hungry weirdo’s the better,” I waved seeing her off before turning away to smile at the next chap.

“Wow the crazy broad, brushes up pretty good,” I blinked a few times at the random sitting in front of me.

“Excuse me? Don’t you think that’s a bit uncalled for, you don’t even know me, or vice versa,” I gave him the quick once over. Pretty average, brown short hair, brown eyes, average height for a guy. Nothing memorable.

“Really?” he questioned. “So it wasn’t you who threatened to kick my arse earlier at the gate?”  I practically slapped my hands over my mouth. Sugar, that was me, but surely this wasn’t the guy? As hard as I could, I couldn’t remember the guy at the gate. Ok calm down Callie, worrying never got anyone anywhere, just move on and pretend it wasn’t you.

“It was probably someone else, anyway I…,”

“It was you.” Did he just seriously interrupt me? Then accuse me? He might have been right but, come on, don’t interrupt while a girl is talking. Be the adult here and ignore it.

“Like I was saying, I think…,”

“I feel a little hurt you don’t remember me Calista,” he smiled smugly pretending to be all hurt just like Erin had only minutes ago , only this time Goldie the fifth wasn’t involved.

“Umm how do even know my name?” It was a fair question don’t you think? Hardly anyone knew my full name and even fewer used it.

“Well first off, we’ve gone to the same school since grade three and I’ve been over to your house plenty of times.” Flipping sugar pancakes, this guy was an actual stalker. Not to mention he was full on admitting it in broad daylight. I looked around for some help. Just strangers oblivious to the criminal in front of me. “I’m friends with Daniel and Kurt your brother,” he explained.

“No you’re not! Anyway Kurt is…,”

“Away at college?” Again with the interrupting me! How did this guy last so long without getting punched in the face? “Yeah that’s why we had our big bash on the weekend at Dan’s place. You were there with his sis ,making her hair pink,” He was there too? How could I not remember this guy? We weren’t even drinking…that much.

“I’m sorry but I have no recollection of you,” I tried politely. “I would love to talk longer but I…,”

“Would you? I’m free any day of the week babe,” he smirked. Babe? He did not just seriously call me babe?

“Look mate! Stop flipping interrupting me, either kiss me or leave, I have other desperate jerks to get through today and I don’t need your stupid smirk ruining my day.” I was so tempted to smack that grin right off his face.

“Sorry, ok. I did pay,” he said putting his hands up in defeat and leaned forward. Like all the others, I quickly leaned forward, praying that his kiss was better than his attitude.

I suddenly stopped letting out a squeak as the freak pinched my lip between his fingers, holding me in place. With his other hand I felt him undo my lip piercing and pull it out tossing it to the tramped fairground behind him.  

“What the heck are you doing?” I yelled. “That was my lip piercing you just threw there. You are such a…”

“I don’t like metal in the way,” He cut me off again, but this time I wasn’t expecting it. He pressed my hands to the table securing them in place, followed by swiftly lifting my head to his lips. I was so dazed at how quickly he moved, that a good ten seconds had gone by the time I realized what he was doing. I squirmed in protest but he ignored me, tasting every last square millimetre of my lips. So I did what came naturally; quickly giving his tongue a nice quick sharp nip sending him back cussing some ‘delightful’ words.

“How flipping dare you!” I yelled causing more onlookers to the scene before giving a stingingly well aimed slap across the face. The clash of skin echoed leaving most people in a daze.

 He left the scene strangely rather smug. As he passed the faint words, ‘I’ll be waiting’ hovered to my ear. ‘Keep dreaming mate’, I almost spat back. I wiped any residue that he might have left and quickly remembered that my piercing was still missing.

To top things off Maya had returned just as Mr Random Jerk took off.

“Oh my gosh what happened. Are you ok?” she asked getting all flustered. I nodded telling her I was tougher than I looked though my hand still had a tingling sensation. “Are you sure you’re ok?” she asked again. I nodded. “Alright then. Ok next is number twenty four,” she smiled weakly  looking at the clipboard trying to get back on track.

Twenty four? Flipping Sugar Pancakes! That was the guy? The guy I needed to date? I was practically face palming myself. For all the blooming mistakes I had done one being I totally pissed him off. Two, slapping him, which he rightfully deserved and three, I had no idea what his name was. I let out an irritated groan. Great now I would probably have no chance to get this idiot to date me. Why? Why? Why are you so stupid Callie. Stupid stupid Callie.

“Are you really sure you are ok? You can finish up now if you want,” Maya’s weak smile still evident on her tiny round face.

“No, I’ll do a few more, it’s for the animals, right?” Those animals better be in a five star resort by the time I’m done. I took a few deep breaths. At least it can’t get any worse. I spoke to soon and I was practically halfway across the fairground within the next minute.

The next guy, was not only old, ugly as hell and smelt like pepperoni. Not to mention he was giving me the grosses look known to man, but I recognised him…Mr Touching’s.


 Ok so we finally meet our target Number 23. what do you guys think of him? and if there are any ideas that you would like to see or you just want to be totally awsome and comment. 

Vote and have a cookie :D

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