Chapter 4

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“I can’t believe how quickly that all escalated. You’re so totally screwed you know that,” Bec laughed across the table tucking into my chips. Groaning I laid my head on the table pushing my chips as I had lost my appetite.

“No, she’s not, it just means you have to work like a gazillion times harder.” Erin said trying to reassure me, by rubbing my back. “Anyway, from what you told us, the guy already has some interest in you or at least had before you bit and slapped him.”

“But I don’t even know his name,” I whined. Bec rolled her eyes, popping another chip into her mouth. Leaning back she signalled the bus boy, who came a little too eagerly. He looked our age, a little on the scrawny side but kind of cute.

“Yes, how can I help you ladies?” he asked not hiding his excitement very well. Typical.

“I would like an honest opinion, my friend here is a little unsure, but do you find her attractive?” she asked pointing at me. I gave him a weak smile. He gave a confused glance around the table.

“Yeah sure, I’d dig her,” he grinned. He’ll dig me? How about you start digging your grave and sort your life insurance before you come to me. I blinked and smiled innocently noticing Erin’s hand pressing down on mine. Like a doll I flicked my hair back and gave my best smile.

“Oh that’s good to hear, we’ll have another round of lemonade,” Bec smiled up at him nudging her head to the side, hoping he’d catch on and leave. We waited a while before he was out of ear shot. “I don’t know why you’re worried; I honestly don’t think you’ll have trouble wooing Mr Twenty Three. Plus, we know he goes to our school, he is Daniel and Kurt’s friend, surely that must reduce to possibilities,” Bec continued.

“Umm not wanting to be the depressing one, but Daniel has like a million friends. You know, like our type of ‘friends’,” Kasey suddenly said instead of going through her show bags. This just kept getting worse and worse. I was now stuck with first hunting down this guy, finding out his name and how to get him to fall for me. If you think about it, it kind of makes me a stalker. No he was the stalker first.

The busboy returned with our drinks expecting more attention from us. What an idiot.  Erin thanked the guy and took the drinks, handing them out to each of us.

“I wonder how Sam is doing?” Erin reached for her mobile and began texting. The bus boy still standing behind her oblivious.

“Ask her when she’s getting out of hospital?” Bec added popping another lollypop into her mouth. “Kasey, ditch the giant road kill plush, otherwise I’ll send Callie onto you,” Bec screw up her nose swatting away one of the massive showground prizes Kasey had managed to win.

Kasey mumbled something before sticking out her tongue. I rolled my eyes at my mentally twelve year old friends.

“Which one is the plush again?,” I laughed. “The only difference is that you have pink hair, but you’ll  still make a great trophy mount for my hallway,” I skilfully dodged a giant blow-up hammer and received a flash of Pinky’s tongue.

The sudden ring of ‘single ladies’ came from Erin’s phone. We were silent for a half a minute.

“Well?” Bec asked getting impatient.

“She’s dead. All because of your stupid dare,” Erin quivered looking up at us, her eyes going watery.

“WHAT! Give me that,”Bec quickly snatched the jewel crusted phone. “OMG, I hate when you do that stupid acting stunt of yours.” She chucked the phone back. Which I skilfully caught before it hit Erin in the face. Taking a quick glance at the screen I found out that Sam was alright. Good. But she was also going on a holiday with her folks for just under a month. Bad.

“I can’t believe she’s ditching me!” I squealed handing Erin’s phone over before I got the urge to throw it. “Ask her where she’s going this year?” I instructed Erin.

“The Amazon,” she answered flatly.

“As if, there’s like snakes and piranhas and bugs, there’s no way she’s going there,” Kasey grimace. Erin flicked us the screen proving that poor Sam was abandoning us, as the proceeding messages explained there would be limited contact. I pushed back my curly hair and took a sip of lemonade. How was I going to survive a month without my best friend? I glanced up at bossy Asian Bec, Pinkie pie Kasey and artsy fartsy Erin. And then there was me, crazy broad Callie. Well I guess we were now the freaky foursome instead of the Fabulous Five, but I could live with that…I hope.


Sorry this is a little short

but with my previous story i felt like i had way to may characters (eg. 7 sisters)  so i've decided to 'kill' one of them off by sending them to the Amazon.  She'll come back....maybe

heres a little pic of Sam  --->

So what do you guys think about Callie's predicament? 

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