Chapter 7

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“Miss Martindale I’m disappointed in you,” the deputy sighed looking at one of the hundreds of pieces of paper scattered on his desk. I’d hate to see what the principal’s was like.  He tapped his pen several times on the desk before taking a sip of his coffee.

“Sir, it was clearly sexual harassment, I don’t even know the guy,” I explained. I watched as he smoothed the wrinkles from his forehead.

“Even so, you were disturbing the class. Looking at your records you seem a like a good kid, even with the few mentions of being a bit aggressive,” he said carefully.

“But it’s never escalated to a fight,” at least not on school grounds… “Anyway Sir, about that guy…,”

“I’ll have him write you an apology, but you’ll both spend time in the detention room,” he continued.

“What! Why do I have to go?” It’s not like I was the one at fault.

“You were disturbing the class remember…” he sighed again. I nodded and quietly left ignoring Twenty-three who sat waiting in the corridor. Slinging my bag over my shoulder I walked out of the office to check my phone. There was no point going back to class as the bell would be going in just over five minutes.  I always found it strange seeing the school yard empty, it wasn’t very often that you got out of class midway, for any reason. I quickly checked my timetable and saw it was going to be lunch soon followed by maths than history. Seeing as I would have to go to detention pretty much as soon as the bell went, I quickly typed out a text to the girls that I wouldn’t be able to meet up. Of course I could foresee them asking why so I continued on about how Twenty-three was practically destroying my life. Now that I think about it, I had missed another opportunity to win this idiot over. I tilted my head back and let out another irritated groan. Why are you so stupid Callie?

“What’s wrong with you? It’s only detention, or has the little crazy broad actually been a perfectly behaviour princess in disguise?” I heard that freak’s voice behind me. I maturely decided to continue to ignore him, hoping he would get the hint. I flicked through my novel length text, making sure there weren’t any obvious mistakes. “What’s that?” he asked coming to sit next to me. I shuffled over away from him. “Just going to ignore me are you?” he laughed shifting closer.

“Yep that’s the idea,” I replied shuffling across the bench some more so that I was now in the sun.

“So what are you doing? Sending me a love letter?” he chuckled. Rolling my eyes, I turned to face him.

“If you really must know, I’m writing a mass text that I can destroy your reputation, not that you have one, clearly. So no need to worry, right?” I laughed to myself.

“No way, let me see,” he shuffled over and reached for my phone stretching over me.

“Dude back off,” I said pushing him away. I quickly pressed the send button. “Ha, now it’s gone,” I laughed seeing the momentary shock on his face. Did he really believe I would be able to ruin his reputation, when I didn’t even know his name?  Anyway, only Bec, Erin and Kasey would know, hardly a mass text, not that he needed to know. 

A loud sudden ring echoed around the school catching me off guard. What I hadn’t realised was how far to the edge of the bench I had shuffled over to. You know that uncertainty you get, while climbing stairs at night and your foot unexpectedly continues to fall. Then there is that momentary panic where you reach into the darkness for anything to stop your fall. Well that, at this moment was regrettably Twenty-three. And by regrettably I mean I really wish I had just braved the fall on my own. Instead, I had grabbed at his shirt, pulling him down with me. Honestly shouldn’t his weight counteract mine? But no, I end up with the no name oaf squishing me to the ground.

“If you wanted to get with me, all you had to do was ask babe,” he chuckled looking down at me. I groaned out of frustration and pushed the idiot off. I was so glad all those strength exercises had finally paid off.

 I grabbed my bag and flattened my skirt turning towards the detention room, grumbling all the way to the door. Taking a deep breath I entered the room to see my old science teacher. She was very by the book so to speak; which for once, I was going to appreciate, as Twenty-three was smirking behind me. I walked to the front of the room and signed off and took a seat near the window. In the corner of my eye I could see Twenty-three moving towards me, but was soon told off and told to sit further away. Go Mrs Strict! Cue the mental victory dance.

It had been a while since I had a detention; it’s amazing how quickly you get bored. I tapped my fingers on the table but quickly stopped when I noticed the annoyed look from the teacher. Instead I looked out the window. Just like the metalwork, the room overlooked the teacher’s car park. Nothing of exceptional interest, apart from the few smokers that hid at the corner. I glanced around the room, there were several others who looked equally as bored as me. The one thing I didn’t like was that the clock was at the back of the class meaning I couldn’t look at it without being told off. The only thing left that was noticeable was the constant glances from Twenty-three.

Obviously he knew me, and somewhat an interest in me, just like Erin said. What I needed was a plan.


Ok sorry this one is a bit short but hey, i'm the one in charge. Though i'm  all ears to your suggestions, which seem to be non-exsistant.

anyway what do you think? 

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