Chapter 10

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On returning home I soon found the source of my illness...womanhood. Fortunately for me, my mother also shared a similar cycle, and had the hot water bottle and chocolates ready upon my return. After getting changed, I slumped on the couch next to her and dove into the sweets, for medicinal purposes only of course. While she called up the school announcing my inability to attend, I sent out the text.

"It's so nice to finally have some quiet time with no men around. Pass the pillow." She laughed hugging her hot water bottle despite it being a hot climate. "So who was that boy with the most adorable pup?" she asked raising a curious eyebrow.

"I don't know," I replied flicking through the draw of the soppy love movies.

"Come on, you're my daughter, there is no way you could resist a man with such a cute pup." She smiled at me. I laughed at her.

"The cute pup yes, the man however..."

"Dear, you simply don't overlook a man with a classy chassis," she smiled with a little twinkle in the eye.

"Actually I thought his car was kinda crummy," I scrunched up my nose at the thought of the clapped out bomb he claimed to be a car. My daydream was quickly interrupted by my mother's laugh.

"Oh don't the kids still use that one?" she questioned more to herself then to me. "Classy chassis means the man had a nice body," she explained ending with a giggle. Every now and then mum would come out with her ye oldie 'hip' language. Some better than others.

"Classy chassis? Umm if you say so...honestly I didn't really notice it..." I mumbled taking out the 'Notebook'.

"So what's his personality like? Brave, heroic, dashingly charming?" She sighed.

"A pain in the lip," I grumbled, feeling ill again. Slipping the disc in, I curl up in the luxurious armchair cuddling up to my pillow. My phone suddenly beeped announcing the Bec-o-nator. Sighing I gave up my cuddle buddy and shuffled up to my room. Mum had a tendency for overhearing and questioning my conversations.

"So are you free this Saturday?" Bec asked a second within the phone touching my ear.

"It's nice to hear from you to, thanks for asking," I answer sarcastically. "Saturday? Depends on how I'm feeling, probably. Why?"

"Well once you complete plan A, I'll tell you."

"BAM, done!" I grin to myself, flicking my wrist as if I'm some sort gangster wizard. "I made contact with target Twenty-three at around seven hundred hours, Sir."

"What! Already? You've picked up your game. Well I need the deets pronto." I quickly rally off all the things I learnt from his adorable little rascal Ripper, to the random movie camera. "Ok, so this guy is a little weird, but doable. I'm thinking about having a beach bash Saturday."

"Sure, I'll come it sounds fun. What time?" I asked reaching for a pen.

"Hey I only thought of it just now, give me some time to organize it. Heck I might as well get that little peep, Maya to organize it for me," Bec mused, despite being the smartest, she was also kind of lazy, however to most saw it as leadership. "Hey, the bell is going, chat to you later," she hung up as fast as she answered. Chucking my phone aside I stared up at the ceiling, before recoiling into a ball. It was going to be a long day.


Hey sorry it's been a long time, and for this chapter for being kinda short.

Adulthood is a painful thing to deal with once you leave school. anyway I'll try to get out the chapters a little more frequent, if adulthood lets me...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2014 ⏰

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