Mini Golf Date!

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When I got to the office Chloe said that Liam would be out of the office today due to his dad's condition. I looked over his appointments and texted him if he would like me to cover his 4 appointments today.

I got busy adding new costumers in the system when he texted me back.

-Yes. Please and Thank You so much!

-No problem how is he?

-He is stable now enough to take tests on his liver that was punctured when the wreck happened. I will call you after he gets done with test.

-Okay..and Liam don't worry about your clients I got you covered.

-Thanks! I owe you big time! (;

I got the next clients stuff together as he entered the room. He was tall, blonde hair, blue eyes and he looked around the age of early 30's. His name was Mr. Trentin Bacer, he was with us for three years (but i had never seen him here before), and he was a dentist.

Gary had been his dental hygenist accountant for his business. "Hello, Mr. Bacer. I have went through all your recent visits and today you would like your balances and your bills paid. Is that right?" I asked looking up at him who was now on his blackberry texting away.

"Oh.. umm.. yeah. So is Gary done for the day?" He asked.

"Actually, Gary was in a bad car accident and he is having problems with his liver and his younger son Liam is taking over the business for now but he is with his dad today."

He nodded as I continued to add up everything and sort his account out. He sat and his eyes didn't leave his blackberry I swear that thing could of been glued to his hand and he wouldn't realize.

I finished all his bills, totals, and everything he asked in under 30 minutes. He wants every cooperative but as he nodded and slightly replied I finished. "There you go. All done, next appointment is two weeks." I said handing him his checkbook back.

"Your done? Wow! That was fast." He said as he looked up with a stunded look on his face.

I nodded and agreed with him as he stood and thanked me. "Don't forget to your next appointment is two weeks from now."

I got threw the next two in a breeze and I still had not heard from Liam. I was beginning to become worried it was already noon. I went across the street to the nearest subway for lunch. I was almost back to the office when I got a call.

"Helloo Ms. Aria!" Liam said in a sexy voice.

"Why hello Mr. Collins? I'm sorry but I am waiting for my ss... boss to call me." I had almost called him sexy on the phone. Holy!

"Ha ha very funny.. So how was my clients?"

"They were terribley good! I got through them fast and now I have one left in an hour."

"Good.. So I was thinking about our date and it's still on right?" He asked.

"Well it depends.. How's your dad?"

"He is still stable and we have to wait two days to get his tests back.. Soo please?" He said giggling.

"I suppose... Where and when?" I asked smiling now.

"Just go home after this last client and I will pick you up an hour from then... Nothing to dressy... but got to go.. see you then." He said as he hung up. I finished the day up with my last client and went home. I got to the house and threw on some jeans and pulled a pac sun tee shirt over my head. I had just finished putting my clothes on when the doorbell rang. He was early!

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