Goodbyes and talks.

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***********Aria's POV************

I had just finished up packing up all my stuff. Liam was still peacefully sleeping so I quietly finished and went downstairs to hang out with the family a little more.

I stopped at Kingston's room to check if he was still sleeping. I opened his door and he sat at his work table busy playing.

"Aunnie" Kingston said as he saw me.

"Hey, Kings. Whatcha doing?" I asked sitting down next to him.

"Drawin you a picture for your fige." He said as he held up a picture with grandma, grandpa, mom, dad, auntie allie, uncle seth, auntie aria, and uncle liam drawn on with crayons.

"Aww.. Kingston I love it! but you know that liam isn't your uncle?" I said with a smile on my face.

Kingston looked at me, smiled big and said "Yeah I know.. but I want him to be my uncle! He's awesome!" When he said that it brought a huge smile to my face. I loved that Kingston like him as much as I did.

"I'm glad you like him." I replied as Kingston nodded and agreed. I wish Kingston didn't have to live so far away from me. I missed him alot. I would love to spend everyday with him and spoil him more and more. I hated that they lived all the way over here.

"Hey guys! breakfast is ready!" Liam said opening the door.

"LIAM!" Kingston yelled running into Liam's arms.

"Hey buddy!" Liam said picking up Kingston. I walked behind Liam and Kingston downstairs. Everyone was eating already.

"Hey Buds. You slept in long today?" Andrew asked as Kingston sat down next to him.

"Yeah he was busy drawing me pictures for my fridge." I said sitting down next to Kingston. After a great breakfast it was now time for us all to get everything in the car and to the airport. I hated goodbyes they always seemed to drag on and take forever. I wanted to just get them over with because they were to emotional.

"Glad you came down Ari." Andrew said as he hugged me.

"Me too! youguys need to come down more often! Please!" I said.

"We'll try.. oh and he's a keeper." He whispered in my ear.

"Thanks! I love you too!" I said hugging Kelsey now.

"It was great having you guys here for christmas." Kelsey said.

"Glad we could come!" I said.

"Kingston! I'm going to miss you! I love you!" I said kneeling down to hug and kiss him.

"Love you Auntie! Me miss you too!" He said giving me a kiss.

After everyone finished their goodbyes dad, mom, Allie, Seth, Liam, and I all got into the car and waved goodbye.

After an hour we were finally boarding the plane. Liam had to sit in the back because of his delay of ticket. I sat with mom and dad sat on the other side of me. Dad had already went to sleep after we got into the air.

"Honey, I think Liam really likes you." Mom said.

"Yeah.. that's what everyone has been saying." I said.

"Well don't you like him.. why would he come all this way just for you?" She asked.

"Noo no! I like him alot!" I said as a smile crept onto my face.

"I'm glad to hear that. Sweetie." Mom said patting my thigh.

"Mom, Can you look after my apartment for 3 days? I have to leave on a business trip on Sunday." I asked.

"Sure, Hun! Why you have to go there?" She asked.

"Not sure Liam told me that last night.. I'm sure I have to keep Liam's stuff in order." I said.

"Liam sure is good with kids." She said.

"Yeah he is... He has two nieces back home. They are adorable." I replied.

"You met them?" She asked.

"Well yeah.. we have been going out for 3 months." I said laughing.

"That's right!" She said.

Mom and I talked the rest of the way home. It felt good to talk to her about all this. I didn't really have anyone to talk to with my busy work schedule. When we landed that night Liam stayed the night at my house.

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Mostly a filler chapter.. I wanted to fit in Kingston some more! (:


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