Beginning of a long journey

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******Liam's POV******

The look on Aria's face when I got towards her at the reception was not good. I knew something was very wrong and she was in a lot of pain. She fainted before we got her to the car and I drove as fast as I could to get her to the hospital.

We got there and checked her in and she laid in my arms. I sat down and her eyes fluttered open.

"Liam? Where are we?" She asked.

"We're at the emergency room. How are you feeling?" I asked as I pushed hair from her face.

"I'm scared Liam. What about the baby?" She asked.

"The doctor will see us in a few minutes..I hope she is okay too. No matter what I love you and will not leave you I have a ring to prove to you." I said as I kissed her forhead.

"I'm sorry about the reception. This little girl just did not want to be there." She laughed.

"She might of know it wasn't save for her beautiful mommy." I said.

Aria leaned in kissing me and whispered "I love you so much" through my ear.

"I going to call your mom and check up on the reception." I replied grabbing my phone and stepping away from the waiting room.

"Hey, How is the reception going?" I asked.

"How is she doing? What's wrong with her?" Carol asked.

"She is doing okay. We haven't seen the doctor yet but it looks as if her contractions have stopped. How is the reception?"

"If anything gets bad call me. Well it's a good thing she left because Brody showed up and came looking for her wanting her back and to tell her about is feelings or something. Don't worry we kicked him out." She said.

"Oh god! I think this little girl is trying her hardest to keep her mommy safe."

"Yes she sure is." She said laughing.

"Carol, I want to make it up to Aria being she had to miss her reception."

"She would love that. I could plan something for you if you'd like?" She asked.

"I'll hint to her about having one. If she doesn't I have a great plan for the whole family to come along."

"Okay you ask away. Call me if you need me. I will be here trying to keep this thing under control." She said.

"I sure will." I said as I hung up the phone.

"Aria Mitchells.. Well should I say Aria Collins." The nurse said smiling.

I helped Aria up and into the back.

"Congrats by the way." She replied.

"Thanks." We both anwsered back.

She led us to the room with our doctor sitting at a desk.

"Hello." She said as she had her back to us. As she spun around she said "Oh my goodness. It's your wedding night isn't it."

"Yes." Aria replied squeezing my hand tight.

"Okay. Let's have a look." Dr. Watson replied.

After about two tests, and ten minutes later Dr. Watson then talked. "It looks as if this little girl wanted to come today but would you want to postpone the pregnancy for 5 more weeks so she will grow a bit more. You certainly do not have to. She is 2lbs 4 oz. right now. The birth will be held off for 5 weeks and she should gain about 1/2 lb each week. That will put her at 4 1/2lbs 4oz."

Aria looked over at me and asked "What do you think?"

"It's totally up to you. You are the one giving birth. I do think it would be healthier if you kept her." I replied.

"So do I. Let's do the postponing." Aria replied.

"Okay.. We will give you two shots and you will be on a vitamin fluid for the rest. You will have to stay here for 3/4 of the 5 weeks. Unless you make great progress but I recommend that you stay so I will be able to check up on you everyday." She said.

"That's fine." Aria replied.

"I will be back soon with your stuff." Dr. Watson said as she left.

"Here comes a long 5 weeks." Aria said.

"It will be worth it babe." I replied massaging her hand.

"Oh I know it will. I love you." She said.

"I love you so much." I kissed her.

"You are going to work you know that right." She said.

"Yes I will. I will also be here with you every step of the way." I replied.

Dr. Watson got her upstairs and gave her both her shots and gave her some medicine to help her sleep. She could tell she was a little stressed and could use a good nights rest.

After she left Aria gave me a kiss and fell asleep.

And this would be the beginning of our long 5 week journey.

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What do you think? Will she make it 5 weeks? Will everything turn out right? Will Brody show up at the hospital?

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