Chapter 5. Superhero's Always Get The Girl

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"Did you hear about what happened?"

I jumped at the sound of my cousin's voice. I had been at my locker, shoving my books and binders that I didn't feel like carrying in their proper spots. As I slowly turned around to face her, I caught sight of a wicked grin on her face.

"That depends... I've heard a few things today." I mused as I slowly closed the locker and adjusted my bag on my shoulder. Lydia hooked her arm through mine and led the way to the cafeteria. I didn't bother trying to pull away, there was no point.

She chuckled in amusement, "I'm talking about the guy that was attacked on the bus."

"Oh, I did hear something about that actually." I nodded in confirmation as we walked through the doors of the aforementioned cafeteria.

This place was set-up just like the one in Mean Girls, I kid you not. There were certain tables for certain clique's, it's been that way since I started going here. The thing was though, the clique's liked to switch it up every once in a while and move to a different table, which I wasn't very fond of. I hate change.

My cousin's royal ass of a boyfriend strolled up beside us and slung his arm around her waist, not even giving her any sort of greeting. I swear, it's like he tried to out douche himself with every single thing that he does. I really dislike him, and I wish Lydia would break up with him already. She can do so much better.

"We're sitting with Allison today," Lydia stated as Jackson attempted to steer her in the direction of our table.

I rose an eyebrow, "Wouldn't it be easier if she just sat at our table? I mean, why is the entire table moving?"

My cousin groaned, "Ken-- seriously, it's not even a big deal."

She's right, it isn't a "big" deal. It just made more sense to me to have Allison move table's rather than for our entire table to move. I'm not in the mood to argue with her, so I decided to keep my mouth shut.

The small group of our table flocked around us as I followed Lydia, she scoped out just where Allison was and plopped down in an empty chair. My eyes widened when I realized whose table we were sitting at. His back was to me at the moment, but I would recognize him from any angle. I went to turn around, but Danny grinned and shoved me in the direction of the empty seat. I didn't have a chance to make a break for it before my butt was firmly planted on the cool metal.

I held my breath as his hazel eyes danced around the small group, and when they landed on me they widened considerably, is that a good thing? He had a fry dangling from his mouth as he just gawked at me, he looked insanely adorable. Danny elbowed me knowingly from my other side and I shot him a look, if he blurts out that I like Stiles I'm going to kill him.

"Get up." Jackson snapped at Daniel, one of the lacrosse players that just happens to follow him around.

Reluctantly, Daniel stood from his seat and slid into the one beside Danny, "Why don't you ever ask Danny to get up?"

"Because I don't stare at his girlfriend's coin-slot." Danny chuckled as he took a sip of water. I rolled my eyes and brought my attention to the empty space of the table in front of me. I forgot to buy my lunch, damn. Lydia and her constant need to tug me around like a lost puppy is going to be the death of me.

"So their saying it was an animal attack, probably a cougar?"

I glanced over at Danny to see him smirking as he bit into his bright red apple, that looks so appealing to me right now. I need to snag something from someone or I'm going to starve to death.

Jackson scoffed, "I heard mountain lion."

"A cougar is a mountain lion," Lydia snapped. I choked back a laugh, knowing that she had totally just made her asshat of a boyfriend sound like a total idiot. Lydia is probably the smartest person I know. Her test scores and ability to remember any little piece of information she hears is incredible. I mean come on, the girl is studying archaic Latin right now because just ordinary Latin was such a breeze.

"Isn't it?" She added, and my heart sank. She doesn't want to let people know how smart she is. I don't understand it at all. If I had her intelligence I wold be shouting things like that from the rooftop of this hell hole.

Jackson rolled his eyes in distaste, "Who cares? The guy was probably a homeless tweaker who was bound to die soon anyway."


"Actually, I just found out who it is-- check it out." My heart sped up at the sound of his voice, and I whipped around in my seat to give him my full attention. Danny chuckled from beside me, obviously taking entirely too much enjoyment out of watching me behave like such an idiot.

My eyes squinted as I watched the video on the screen of his phone, Sheriff Stilinski was walking by the bus in the parking lot and the reporter that was reporting the incident began to speak, "The Sheriff's department will continue to speculate on the incident, but confirmed the victim as Garrison Meyers who did survive the attack. Meyer's was taken to the hospital, where he remains in critical condition."

"I know this guy.." Scott said slowly. He looked rather terrified of the fact that he knew the man, Garrison Meyers, and that confused me. I could see if he were upset, but he looks scared shitless.

Allison appeared confused as she glanced at him, "You do?"

"Yeah, he was my bus driver when I stayed with my dad." Scott explained as he kept his eyes fixed on Allison.

The way he was looking at her made it obvious that he cared for. I want someone to look at me like that. It's not the way that Jackson looks at Lydia, he used to look at her that way though-- I remember when they first started dating how in love they were. Now, they just seem to use each other to get what they want. It's actually really sad.

Lydia started to twirl her fork in the air out of disinterest in the topic, "Can we talk about something a little more fun please? Oh, like where we're going tomorrow night."

I hadn't been invited along for whatever she was speaking about, but I knew it was only a matter of time before I was. Lydia literally asks me to go everywhere with her, she is constantly setting me up with fellow lacrosse player's for dates so we can double, and it's so annoying.

"You said you were thinking about hanging out tomorrow?" Lydia continued to prod as Allison and Scott glanced at each other. By the look on Scott's face, I don't think that Allison has told him about this little get together yet.

Allison swallowed nervously as her eyes darted from Scott to my cousin, "Um, we were thinking about what we were going to do..."

"Well, I'm not sitting at home all night watching Lacrosse videos so if the six of us are hanging out, we're doing something fun." Lydia stated, already including myself and the date she had picked for me. I don't even know who it is.

Scott glanced at Allison in a panic, "Hanging out? The six of us? As in, us and them? Do you want us to hang out with them?" He was firing all of these questions at her rapidly. I've never heard him talk so fast in all of my years of knowing him.

"Yeah, I guess. Sounds fun." She shrugged as she glanced around the table.

Jackson then narrowed his eyes at her, "You know what else sounds fun? Stabbing myself in the face with this fork."

I scoffed, "Was I even going to be told about any of this?"

Lydia grinned, "I was going to surprise you! Daniel is available tonight, so I thought we could all do something."


My hand was squeezing the crap out of the small water bottle as I listened to the conversation dwindle on. Of course she's going on a date tonight, and with Daniel of all people. And of course Scott is going to be there with Allison. Leaving me with nothing to do but wallow in my self pity.

"Oh, how about bowling? You love to bowl!" Lydia exclaimed in excitement as she grabbed at Jackson's arm. I rolled my eyes in disgust as I angrily took a sip of water. Scott can't bowl, if they end up bowling that will not end well for him. He hasn't been able to bowl his entire life.

Jackson smirked as he narrowed his eyes at my best friend, "Yeah, with actual competition."

"How do you know we're not actual competition?" Allison questioned as she placed her elbows on the table. Well, we know that Scott isn't actual competition. He can barely bowl with the bumper's on!

Jackson leaned forward as well, "Can you bowl?"

"Sort-of..." Scott replied. If I wasn't so nervous right now, I would grab him by the shoulders and tell him to stop trying to impress Allison. So he's a sucky bowler, it's not meant for everyone! I wonder if Kennedy can bowl? I hope that Daniel sucks and makes himself look like a total ass in front of her tonight.

"Is it sort-of, or yes?" Jackson chuckled as he kept his gaze on Scott. The amount of testosterone fizzling between the two of them right now is pretty obvious.

I let out a sigh as Scott replied with, "Yes. In fact, I'm a great bowler."

Jackson shut up after that comment, and the rest of his little clique chatted amongst themselves as if Scott and I weren't even here. I glanced at Kennedy in the most discrete way possible to find that she was glancing at the table biting her bottom lip as if she were thinking rather hard about something.

She is so beautiful. I don't even think she know's how perfect she looks on the outside, and I'm sure that she is just as perfect on the inside as well. I haven't really gotten the chance to have conversations with her, but I want to-- so badly. I just always say the wrong thing. I watched silently as she pulled her iPhone out of her bag, of course she has an iPhone-- I've heard that she has money, it would explain her nice car and designer clothes and shoes that she wears all the time. My eyes widened then I recognized the logo on the back of her case.

"You like Batman?" I asked quickly, for once I was able to speak to her without stumbling over my words or sounding like a complete idiot.

Her chocolate brown eyes snapped up in alarm at my question and she nodded in response, her brown curly hair bouncing around on her shoulder's. The people around us were too immersed in their conversations to even notice that I was actually having a conversation with the girl of my dreams right now.

"Really?" I inquired, my voice getting lower. I don't know why I find it so hard to believe that she likes Batman. It's a really popular franchise, but not for girls like Kennedy-- well, I wouldn't think so.

She smiled faintly, "I love superhero's, I always have."

If it's possible I just fell in love with her even more. Fantasies of talking about any superhero of my choice with her are starting to play in my mind. Oh my god, Stiles stay calm. Do not mess this up.

As I opened my mouth to respond the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch. Kennedy sent me one last smile before she gracefully got out of her chair and walked out of the cafeteria with Danny teasing her about blushing or something. Internally I began cursing myself for the lack of balls I just had. I could have so had the conversation of a lifetime with the girl of my dreams, but no-- my awkwardness had to ruin it.

Scott and Allison bid their farewell's and I gagged as he gave her the actual puppy dog stare, like in the movie's. He was in entirely too deep with this girl, I mean I have been in love with Kennedy since the third grade but that's totally normal because I've known her, well known about her, the entire time-- he just met Allison a few days ago.

As we walked out of the cafeteria with Scott in his love haze and me in my self loathing, it dawned on me that Scott was going on that group date tomorrow night. I had completely forgot about it!

"You're a terrible bowler!" I shrieked as I smacked him over the back of the head. Him and his stupid desire to impress Allison is going to backfire in his face.

Scott moaned as he buried his face in his hands, "I know! I'm such an idiot."

"God it was like watching a car wreck. First it turned into the whole group date thing, and then comes that phrase-"

Before I could finish Scott cut me off quickly, "Hang out."

"You don't hang out with hot girls, once you start hanging out you might as well become her gay best friend. You and Danny can hang out." I stated as I glanced at him. His eyes were wide and he was shaking his head back and forth frantically. We turned the corner of the hall and I caught sight of Kennedy at her locker with Daniel standing beside her. He was talking and she had a look of disinterest on her face as she nodded along.

"And she's going on a date with him." I moaned as I glared at Daniel with as much hatred as I could muster.

Scott nodded, "She was totally blindsided."

"It's not fair! My ten year plan did not account for the amount of date's she would end up going on! What if she actually starts to like him? Oh my god." I sound like such a girl right now, but that's the affect this girl has on me.

I have literally been in love with her since the third freaking grade, that's eight years! I've stood off to the side admiring her for half of my life and she hasn't even noticed. And now guy's like Daniel just get to go out with her because they're on the lacrosse team and they're first line. I have to make first line for her to actually notice me. Stupid Lydia and her standards.

"I can talk to her tomorrow, see if she wants to go out with you?" Scott teased as he slung an arm over my shoulder.

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah good luck. That girl wouldn't notice me unless I was a superhero, they always get the girl."

"I thought you were Batman?" Scott chuckled in amusement.

My eyes narrowed as I glared at him, "You know sometimes you take entirely too much pleasure in pissing me off."

"I know," He smiled sheepishly.

I let out a groan as I shoved him away from me, "Asshole."


hey everyone! i'm so sorry that i have been a bit mia on this story, i've been really trying to finish ITT before i post anymore of this, but i really just wanted to write about stennedy today because an idea came to me at the dentist today so yeah. it's almost christmas isn't that freaking exciting! what all do you want for christmas this year? i honestly for once in my life don't really want anything, other than a new laptop battery!

fan, vote, and comment! xx

oh and Mads story
Both of Us got accepted into the finals for the WATTY'S! How awsome is that! So if you haven't read that yet, go and do so because it literally is the best Stiles fan fiction on this website, I'm not even kidding. x

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