Chapter 12. Beacon Hills High... After Hours

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I awoke the next morning with a dead cell phone battery and I smile on my face. I had talked to Stiles for over two hours last night about The Hunger Games, and he listened to every single thing I had to say. I ranted about how Gale got on my nerves for the majority of the series, I fangirled over Everlark, and I complained about President Snow. He didn't interrupt me, and he even asked questions.

"Do Katniss and Peeta end up together?" He asked in amusement as I went on my first Everlark rant of the conversation. I had just finished telling him about how when The Games were over Peeta found out that Katniss had been pretending to be in love with him the entire time, and he obviously hadn't been. 

"I can't tell you! That would be skipping ahead, I'm just telling you about the first book." I had responded, smiling at the fact that I would have many more phone calls like this in my future if he wanted to hear all about the series. 

Getting ready this morning seemed to be much more enjoyable, I had an amazing night of sleep and I feel totally rested. For the first time since the seventh grade, I didn't read the small message of encouragement on my mirror telling me that I was beautiful, because today-- I actually felt beautiful. It was an odd feeling, but I wasn't going to question it. 

My mother was nowhere to be found as I skipped down the stairs and into the kitchen, grabbing my usual breakfast of a granola bar. She's been acting so odd lately, maybe I should talk to her about it.. find out if she is actually dating people or just sleeping around. It's so unlike her, and it kind of worries me. 

The drive to school was also enjoyable, I blasted One Direction-- singing along and rolling the windows down, letting the wind whip my hair around my face. I was having such a good day for some reason. I guess that saying about getting a good nights sleep was true, it really does improve your day. After I parked my car and sauntered into the school, I caught sight of my cousin at her locker, looking a lot more put together than she had been yesterday.

"Good morning beautiful cousin of mine, how're you feeling?" I greeted her as I leaned my back against the neighboring locker. 

Lydia was applying a new coat of shiny pink lip gloss to her gorgeous full lips, I was so jealous of them. They are like perfect, much like her entire exterior appearance to be honest. I can admit that my cousin has a killer body and beautiful facial features. You would have to be blind to not see that. 

She smiled and capped the lip gloss, "You're awfully cheery this morning."

"I've actually been having a really nice morning. I got a lot of sleep, and I didn't have to deal with my mom this morning, oh and I'm having an awesome hair day." I chuckled, scanning the hallway for my new favorite person at this school. I had it set in my mind that I was going to talk to Stiles today, in person. Talking to him for nearly three hours on the phone last night really helped me gain some confidence. 

My cousin smirked as she cocked her head to the side, "I see... well don't bite my head off but tonight Jackson and I are going out with Allison and Scott again, would you like to tag along? We could use your over the top good mood." 

"You want me to fifth-wheel it?" I asked in confusion. It was weird that she even invited me in the first place, but now she isn't suggesting that I go on a date with a random boy of her choosing-- who is this and what have they done with Lydia Martin?

She shrugged, "Yeah. We were probably just going to see a movie anyway. It could be fun." 

Fun? I don't think that our idea's of fun are the same thing, I would much rather go home and talk to Stiles on the phone again, hell-- I may even ask to hang out with him in person after school, I'm feeling extremely bold today. 

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