Chapter 20. Parental Issues

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"What do you mean your mom went out on a date with Peter?" I hissed into my cell phone as I maneuvered through the dark street. 

Scott sighed impatiently on the other end of the line, "I mean she's on a freaking date with him, Stiles!" 

"How does that even happen?" The question was nothing but rhetorical, considering I've learned to stop wondering how things so outlandish can happen in an instant. 

My phone had started ringing the second that my dad passed out and it was Scott telling me that Peter had asked his mom out and he had basically threatened to bite her so she would turn and join his pack, thereby having Scott join the pack to be with his mom. In order to prevent this from happening, he then asked me to get in my jeep and follow his instructions so I could delay that particular love bite from happening. 

"Okay I found them, they're on Ebony Street." Scott breathed out nervously. I jerked the steering wheel to the right in order to make the turn, I had almost zipped right by Ebony Street. What are the odds that they would be on the street that means dark, irony never ceases to amaze me. 

A silver Honda was pulled off to the side of the road and when I squinted my eyes I could see the back of Melissa's head, her dark brown curly locks were a dead give away. "I see them! What do you want me to do?" I asked quickly, the space between our vehicles was getting smaller and the fact that we had no plan was now starting to dawn on me.

"Think of something!" Scott yelled out in a panic. 

I sighed as I flung my phone in the passenger seat and slowed my car down to about twenty miles per hour, I then "attempted" to break but due to how close we were and how fast I was going, my front end hit the bumper. I jolted in my seat slightly and my phone slid to the floor, the incessant beeping noise telling me that the call with Scott had been dropped. 

Melissa climbed out of the car and the moment she saw the hood of my jeep her face went red, "Oh are you kidding me! Stiles!" 

Awkwardly, I clambered out of my jeep, putting on one hell of a poker face. "Mrs. McCall?" I questioned, I even squinted my eyes a bit. 

"Yes!" She snapped as she shot me a look. Peter then decided to climb out of the car at the moment, I took a step back when he smirked at me in amusement. I hate that guy.

"Wow, this is... this is just crazy! What a coincidence, huh?" I stated as I flung my arms around for show, I assume Scott is somewhere around here. I glanced the surrounding area for him, but I couldn't pick him out.

Melissa laughed mockingly as she flung her arms over her chest, "What the hell are you doing?"

"I mean, I do not know what happened you guys just came out of nowhere." I said with a shrug, god she's gonna kill me. I glanced at the front bumper of my jeep to see that it was dented and the radiator was emitting steam. Not only that, it was now drizzling and I don't even have on a jacket. 

She rolled her eyes in disbelief, "Came out of nowhere? We were parked on the side of the road, Stiles."

"How crazy is that?! I mean, we should probably call the cops, you know, do like an accident report thing." I laughed nervously as Peter came and stood beside Melissa, directly in front of me. 

"I don't think that's necessary." Peter said simply. 

My eyes widened slightly, "Are you sure? I think I'm feeling a little whiplash." I stated and then rubbed at the back of my neck, wincing and moaning for added effect. 

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