Chapter 17. Ping Pong Balls and Fighting

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Double update because it's Full Moon Friday and plus some Stennedy was highly requested so here it is everyone, I thought that Kennedy's Winter formal proposal was cute! Let me know if you thought it was in the comments! x


I think it's safe to say that my feelings for Stiles are way beyond a crush at this point. I stayed up all night writing on 150 ping pong balls for him. I got up an hour early so I could get to school early and put all 150 ping pong balls in his locker, Danny had managed to sang his locker combination from the office. And now I'm trying my absolute hardest to be in the best possible mood even though I'm running on a total of three hours of sleep and I'm really tired and nervous.

What if he says no? How embarrassing is that going to be? When 150 ping pong balls fall out of his locker and he rejects me in front of everyone. Yes, that's right-- I am asking him in the public hallway. I don't want him to feel put on the spot or anything, like that's not my intention but I don't really have much else of a choice. If it's just me and him then I'm going to wind up chickening out. I need a group of people watching to push me to get the words out so I don't choke up.

I've never done anything like this before and I'm getting sick to my stomach as more and more students file into the hallway. I'm standing right by his locker, so the second he sees me he will put in the combination and then all of those little white balls are gonna fall out. Maybe this was a bad idea. Just as I consider taking all of the balls out, Stiles walks up. 

"Kennedy? Hey." He greeted with a smile. He looked tired too, and he wasn't as jumpy as he usually is when he sees me. Oh god, why isn't he acting like his usual skittish self? 

I blinked as I just stared at him, "Uh hey."

"Is something wrong?" He asked slowly, obviously sensing my discomfort. Come on, Kennedy think of something!

"No. I was just wondering if you had those notes from Chemistry from yesterday." Nice recovery. 

Stiles nodded and placed his hand over his mouth as he yawned, "Yeah, yeah. Let me get 'em out of my notebook." 

I held my breath as he twisted the lock of his combination. This is it. I'm about to throw up. He pulled the locker open and all of the ping pong balls spilled out into the hallway, bouncing and rolling all over the place. Stiles scrambled around to try and push some of them back in, he looked mortified. 

He then grabbed one off the ground and his eyes scanned over the words I had written on every single ball last night, Will you go to the Winter Formal with me? -Kennedy

I was expecting him to start spazzing out or something but instead he just glanced at me in confusion, "Did you...?"

"Yes. Stiles, will you go to the Winter Formal with me?" I asked quickly, a group of people were forming around the locker. Guys were picking up the balls and throwing them at one another, but I focused my attention on Stiles instead. 

He blinked as his eyes darted from the ball in his hand to the inside of his locker door where I had taped the ticket to the dance. The look on his face was so hard to read and it was making me nervous. Why isn't he saying anything? For the first time, Stiles Stilinski is at a lost for words. 

"You're serious?" He asked quietly. 

I nodded, "One-hundred percent serious."

"Really? You want to go with me?" He didn't seem convinced, and I don't know why, I mean why would I go through all of this if I didn't want to go with him. 

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