Chapter 22. The Truth Comes Out

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I had no idea what the hell is going on and I have no idea what Lydia could have possibly said to him but I didn't have time to try and find her to question her, instead I spun around and ran after Stiles. He was already at the bottom of the escalator by the time I got to the top. My heart was hammering against my ribcage as I shoved past people, having absolutely no time to try and wait for the automated staircase to reach the ground floor. 

"STILES STOP!" I shouted in a panic as he turned towards the exit.

Thank god I wasn't wearing heels today, because the instant I hit the tile floor I ran. Stiles was so far ahead of me and if I don't hurry up, he is going to leave and I won't be able to explain myself. What could Lydia have possibly said to him to make him this angry and upset? God, I'm going to freaking kill her. 

By the time the doors pulled themselves open, I had caught up to Stiles. I lunged for him, grabbing onto his upper-arm with every ounce of strength I had in me. He tried to push me off of him, but I wasn't letting go. I have to explain everything. 

He finally stopped fussing and turned his glare to me, "So it was all just a game to you? Everything was just for that stupid bet? You didn't even care about me, did you?" 

I had no idea what he was talking about. What bet? I never made a bet about him? Why does he seem so angry? Of course I care about him, why would he think that I didn't? I blinked rapidly-- an attempt to rid myself of the confusion, "I have no idea what you're talking about." I said slowly, Lydia made up a bet? What the actual hell?

He then laughed a dark and angry laugh. It sounded so different from his usual laugh, and the sound made my chest hurt. I don't know what he's talking about and I have no idea why he is so upset with me over a "bet" that doesn't even exist. Lydia could not have been that convincing to have said something to make our friendship or relationship or whatever the hell it is, any less genuine than it actually is.

"You know, it's crazy how wrong you can be about a person. Here I was actually thinking that you had feelings for me, only to find out that you were using me for some stupid bet! Do you know how that feels Kennedy!?" He shouted, his eyes glassing over and cheeks tinging a shade of red. 

"Stiles I didn't make a bet! I do have feelings for you!" I rushed out quickly. I'm losing him. I can feel it. My hold on him isn't strong enough and he is pulling away, shutting me out. I can't lose him too. 

He scoffed and shook his head from side to side, "Stop lying! I know everything!" 

"I love you!" I blurted out. What? Why did I just say that? Because you are going to lose him Kennedy and it was your only option left.

He froze, his grimace falling slack as he just stared at me. He wasn't expecting me to admit it, I know he wasn't-- hell, I wasn't even expecting it. I have no other choice, I have to tell him how I feel so he will calm down and listen to me. I don't know if I even love him, hell-- I have never been in love before but whatever I feel for Stiles has to be it, right? 

"No you don't, Kennedy. I really hope that the money Jackson offered wasn't something you were relying on because you won't be getting it." He seethed, and this time when he walked away, I didn't follow. 

I stood there and watched his jeep speed out of the parking lot, leaving me standing on the sidewalk. I started to scream, because honestly that is the only thing that I can think to do. I was sobbing, I know I was, and I couldn't stop myself from screaming and cursing and choking on the air my lungs desperately needed. I can't breathe, why can't I breathe? Why does my chest hurt so much? 

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