seventeen: alter ego

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lennon || billy


the wind blows loose strands out of lennon's makeshift bun while she adjusts the umbrella next to her lounge chair. sand grains coat the soles of her magenta dollar store flip flops.

"is this seat taken?" a deep voice asks her suddenly.

lennon glances to the right at the empty spot right next to her before her eyes meet a familiar pair of blue ones. "yeah it's taken already."

"by who?" billy asks once he notices the lack of belongings spread out across the lounger.

"my alter ego."

"it's lines like this that make me wonder if we've met before."

"you tell me."

"remind me. was it lennon or lemon?"

"lennon. no one's allowed to call me lemon."

"not even noah?"

his name in casual conversation catches lennon off guard, her natural instinct to flee the scene. she glances at billy and slightly purses her lips, eyes trying to make sense of the word coincidence.

"you're giving me that look right now, you know."

"what look?"

"that look like you've got me all figured out, but i've got some news for you, lennon. i'm a man of mystery."

"i sincerely doubt that."

billy laughs, running his fingers through his thick, golden hair. "you should probably know that noah's contact name for you in his phone is lemon."

"and you should tell him that his is asshole."

"so what's mine?"


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