nineteen: harry styles

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lennon || noah


so a little bird told me that you
don't really like beaches either
and let me be the first to say
what the hell is wrong with you

since when did billy become a bird

since you sent him to run your errands

i guess the question i should
really be asking you then is
what kind of bird is billy?

you are so odd, noah

i'm pretty sure you just
misspelled charming

i think you missed intolerable

i guess we both need spell check

but i'm being completely
serious, lennon. is billy a
carrier pigeon? a duck?

no, he's definitely big bird

is this because of the banana suit

because that was the result of one
too many drinks and bad decisions

i almost forgot about that

but no, it's mostly because
of his fluffy golden hair

it most definitely is not fluffy

it most definitely is fluffy
it practically screams fuck me

i didn't know hair could talk

you obviously haven't seen
harry styles' new haircut

i still don't see it

you're just lying to yourself and
i bet it's because you're jealous

why would be i be jealous of billy?

because he's met me several times
and if you haven't noticed . . .
i'm kind of awesome

he's run into you twice

but the point is you haven't

how do you know for sure that we
haven't run into each other yet?

we could've passed each other on
the boardwalk or even the beach

seems highly unlikely because
you apparently hate the beach

you really shouldn't believe
everything billy tells you

and why shouldn't i?

did he even think of telling
you about my secret plan of
how we're gonna meet?

no, but i haven't developed the power
to read minds yet so i don't know
if he "thought" of telling me

good. he wasn't supposed to

so what's your secret plan?

it's not a secret anymore if
you're gonna walk around
telling people everything

but you told billy

that's different

is it because i'm a girl?
this is discrimination

turns out i only tell girls
named lime my secrets

guess i'm changing my name

you'll always be lemon to me

there's one thing you should
probably know before we meet

hit me with it baby

no matter the circumstances, i will
always pick harry styles over you

especially if you call me baby


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