twenty five: confessions

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lennon || noah


lennon's sitting on the steps of the deck overlooking the beach when her phone rings. she glances over her shoulder and answers, feeling an odd mixture of butterflies in her stomach at the sight of his name.

︎⚐ incoming call: noah lyons ⚐

"so two days in a row, huh? i'm going to start thinking this is a habit."

"hey lennon, i have a question."


"why does my phone log say that we spent almost two hours talking last night."

"because you called me and I answered the phone."

"oh god, did i drunk dial you last night?"

"yes, but out of curiosity, how much of last night do you remember?"

"well considering the splitting headache and hangover i have right now, i probably miscounted the number of beers i had."

"anything else?"

"i told this really bad joke in front of all the guys. not even billy laughed."

"do you remember what you said to me?"

"god, now what did i do?"

"nothing much. you just said something really interesting, noah . . ."

"are you being suspenseful on purpose, lennon?"

"i would never do such a thing."

"yeah right. you're killing me here, carter."

"it's just that you admitted to all your lies yesterday. you said . . . wait, let me put this in your exact words . . . you said you really liked me and—"

"i think—i think the line is breaking up."

"but i can hear you perfectly..."

"i can't hear you anymore, lennon."

"how can you answer my question if you can't hear me?"

". . ."

"are you seriously crumbling paper?"

"what? no, i would never do such a thing."

"noah, don't you dare hang up on me!"

"bye lennon!!"


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