twenty one: love letters

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lennon || noah || billy


would you at least consider writing
me letters while i'm still behind bars?

i heard prison is a really lonely place

only if you agree to pay for
the pens, paper, and stamps

why do i have to buy you pens?
wouldn't you prefer flowers?

a girl can never have too many pens

i'm taking this as a yes then

a yes for what? the pens??

that you'll write me a letter

now what kind of letters
are we talking about?

love letters

that would require us being in love

only a minor detail
you'll be falling for me in no time

don't jinx yourself, lyons

don't worry, carter
i already knocked on wood

just don't forget the pens
i like writing in purple


"you really like her, don't you?" billy asks noah, peering over his phone screen from behind the multicolor linen couch.

"yeah, i do," noah admits with flushed cheeks.

"then what are you afraid of, noah? go meet her already. you don't have much time left."

"i know. it's just... it's just i'm afraid she won't like me for who i really am, billy. what if i'm nothing like what she expects?"


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