{Chapter 10}

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My Possessive Vampire Boss

_Chapter 10_

My date with Adrian ends with us walking on the beach and you may think that we were freezing because of the cold, it is after November but the answer is no. You see, this beach is heated up, so you can be here no matter the season. It's a strange beach, right? Anyway, when we are walking by the ocean, Adrian finds a shell but unfortunately, he didn't let me see it. I really wanted to see that shell.

I've heard that the shells on this beach are really rare and unique, but they are also really beautiful. Many people would do anything to have a shell from this beach but not everyone has access to this beach. You know, I'm still in shock about the fact that I'm even here and with a very mysterious person. Adrian tells me a lot of things, but then again there are things that he doesn't share. Like about his family or friends. I know next to nothing about his life.

Of course, I respect his privacy, everyone has their own privacy and secrets, and they deserve to. Well, except for me, I'm like an open book, but I just want to know him. Soon we're in the car, driving to my apartment. "Did you enjoy this night?" He asks. "I didn't like it, Adrian" I say. Again, I see his smile and happy face drop. Somehow, I love doing this. You know, I can be evil sometimes. Though, I don't believe that I'm very good at it.

"I didn't like it, I loved it. In fact, I loved every second of it" I continue, laughing. You have no idea how much fun this is. "You've got to stop doing that, I'm so glad that you loved it, can I make a confession?" He asks. "I don't think I can stop messing with you, but yeah you can" I tell him.

"I was so nervous before this because... Well, I like you" He says, nervously. "What are you trying to say?" I ask, confused. I don't understand where he's taking this conversation. "Emma, I know we haven't known each other for a very long time, but I like you, so do you want to be my girlfriend?" He asks. Wow, this is a big question, not like a wedding proposal big but still, this is huge.

I do like him, a little. I've never had a boyfriend, so maybe I could give this a chance and try to date him, I mean what could possibly go wrong? And even if I don't like dating him, I can always end it with him if I want, right? "Yes, I would love to be your girlfriend" I tell him, happily and with a smile on my face. "Really? I mean, wow, I was so scared that you would say no" He says. Now, he has the biggest smile that I've ever seen.

He's happy and it makes me happy to know that he's happy. Alright, what am I even thinking. My own thoughts make no sense, and they confuse me. Most of the times, my thoughts are all over the place, and I can't understand them. "You have no idea how happy this makes me" He says to me. "Maybe, I have an idea" I tell him.

Truth to be told, I'm so happy that I feel like I'm in shock. Maria will never believe that I got a boyfriend, in fact, I don't think that anyone would believe me. Maria always said that it would take a miracle for me to get a boyfriend. She said that the reason for that is because I'm far too innocent for most boy's liking, whatever that means. I've never really listened to her when she talks about boys or love. I've never really understood it. I've always wanted to experience it myself.

I think I do understand how he feels at this moment. He stops the car when we arrive in front of my apartment building. "Thank you for a wonderful night, I really enjoyed it" I say as I give him a kiss on the cheek. I think he deserves a kiss after all the things he has done for me tonight, it's the least I can do for him. If this is how dates are, then who was I worrying about what this date could go wrong?

The next date will be a piece of cake, I survived this one, then I should be able to survive my next one. Adrian is blushing and is red like a tomato. Now, it's my turn to smirk. "I enjoyed it too, especially the part that I spent with you" He says, now smirking playfully. "But, I was with you the whole time" I tell him.

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