{Chapter 19}

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My Possessive Vampire Boss

_Chapter 19_

I have been walking in this forest for ages, I'm starving and I'm freezing but I know I can't go back. I know for a fact that Jason would fire me on the spot and I don't want to add that to my list. Yes you heard right, I have a list for everything bad that happens to me and everything bad that has happened did happen this year but soon this year will be over and I really hope all of my problems as well. Everything here is covered in snow and I'm soaking wet from it but only much colder. I should have dressed myself into something warmer this morning than I did.

Well the answer is simple, I had no idea that I would be used like this when I got dressed this morning. I take everything back what I said when some girl used to cry over a boy. I sit by some random tree and pull my knees closer to my body to protect myself from the cold. Why is there so much snow now? I'm freezing cold. Well of course it is snowing, it is after all the end of November and soon December. I can't even think about how angry Jason is now when he can't find his secretary. To him, I'm only a person that works for him and that is all I'll ever be in his mind but who knows what is happening inside his head.

Why do all of my thoughts always lead back to him, I mean always when I'm thinking about something then suddenly he's back in my mind and I can't shake him out of my mind. I wish I could stop thinking about him and stop seeing him until my brain has defeated the madness that has been going on since I met him. All of this started when I bumped into him. Is it strange that I can remember every detail about that day? I shiver when suddenly a snowflake lands on my nose. Great, now it's snowing. I pull myself closer to the tree to shield myself from the icy cold snow.

I don't think this is working. All the leaves from the trees in the forest have fallen off. I have always loved the snow but I never really liked the cold that follows the snow everywhere it goes. I feel a hand take my hand. I look at the person and it's Daphne. What is she doing here? Am I dreaming? Does that mean that my dream was true? Daphne helps me stand up and she hugs me. This isn't just a normal hug, it is like she's protecting me from something or someone. "Don't worry, my child, You're safe with me" She says. What does she even mean?

She wipes away a tear that slips down my cheek. My skin doesn't feel cold anymore. Her touch is warm and kind of nice. It feels good to feel this feeling. Not in a bad way though. "Don't cry, everything will be all right" She says and I look at her face with a questionable look. I hadn't noticed that she is glowing and that she is sending a bright light coming from her. The snow around us starts to melt and not only that but it isn't snowing on us anymore. What I mean is that there is snow around us and it is snowing but not on us. I don't get it, how is this even possible?

"I know you're sad right now but you have to go back" She says. What? "But you don't understand. There is no way I'm going back. Not after what happened" I tell her. She just can't understand how I feel now or have been feeling. Not after I have been used in way that I can't explain. I feel so betrayed and so alone. "Emma, you're never alone. Just take this and whenever or wherever you are, you can always use this" She tells me and hands me a necklace. How do I use it?" I ask her quietly. The necklace then disappears out of my hands and it reappears on my neck. How did she do that?

"You'll know when the time is right, my dear. For now, it is best that you'll listen to your heart instead of your head and not let your stubbornness get the best of you" She says. I can't help but laugh at her words. Reminding me of Jason. I know I'm stubborn from time to time but I did not know that my stubborn brain can sometimes take over me. "But, how will I get back? I don't even know where to go" I ask as if I'm a child but I have to know how to get back if I want to go there or I would just end up more lost than I am and I don't want that to happen.

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