{Chapter 12}

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My Possessive Vampire Boss

_Chapter 12_

"What?" I ask, as I can feel my eyes start to get watery, but I don't want to start crying because I'm still talking to this doctor and I don't want my voice to crack or I break into sobs, but that is so difficult for me right now. I'm going to try to stay strong, but that gets really hard when I over think this. My parents, the people who raised me and love me, and I love them with my whole heart are in the hospital.

"I'm not allowed to tell you this over the phone, just come to the hospital, I will be waiting for you. They're at the Emergency department, so you'll have to be there" He says. "All right, thank you" I tell him and hang up the phone. As soon as I do that, I burst into tears. I can't believe that this is happening right now.

My parents do not deserve this, they're so good people. The best people I've ever met in my life. Shadow meows beneath me and I take him into my lap. He begins to lick my arm as he purrs. I think he's trying to make me feel better. When he's licking me, it tickles, so I begin to laugh a little. This does make me feel a bit better, but not completely. I'm still so sad and I'm in shock of what I have been told.

I don't know for how long we sit like this, but somehow he made me feel a whole lot better and it does help me go through this. I would not be able to go through this if I were alone. I have to know how he did that, he can make me feel better when I'm sad. Shadow somehow never fails to make me laugh, just like Adrian. But, Shadow has something that Adrian doesn't have.

Shadow is just far too adorable, I don't understand how he can be this cute. I better hurry up to the hospital since I don't have a car, so I have to walk and the way to the hospital is pretty long, so I better get going. Dr. Philip said that he would be waiting for me and I don't want to keep him waiting for a long time. I pick Shadow up and put him gently down to the floor and walk to the bathroom.

And of course, Shadow follows behind me. He does this sometimes, you know follow me everywhere around the apartment. Not allowing me to catch a breath without him, not that I mind. I love having him near me. I think tat's just how kittens are, but he's just growing up so fast that he won't be my little kitten anymore. I look in the mirror and my eyes are red and puffy, my nose is also red and around my eyes.

I take a wipe and wipe my whole face, not just my eyes and nose. I also start to breathe in and breathe out. Calming down. After a few minutes, my eyes and nose are chancing back to my skin color. I get my jacket, phone and keys. Before I go out the door, I give Shadow a little goodbye kiss on his head. I leave my apartment and start walking to the hospital.

Somehow every step I take, makes me get more and more nervous and anxious. I'm nervous because I don't know what will be waiting for me when I enter the hospital. I don't even know if they are all right and that's what I'm anxious about. I don't want to lose my parents. I love them so much. I have so many memories with them, and I pray that I will be able to make more with them.

So many memories flash through my mind, like my first day at kindergarten, my parents recorded me on my first day of kindergarten and I've watched that video about a thousand times and it never gets old. I don't know what I will do If they... I can't even say it. I'm not ready for this. I can't do this.

They haven't even see me get married and my dad hasn't walked me down the aisle and see my children, their grandchildren. Oh no, I must push those thoughts aside and look at the bright side of this all. That is always the better choice. I don't know what's happening to me but nowadays, I'm always thinking of all the bad things that can happen and I don't even know why I'm thinking like that. Normally, I always have happy thoughts.

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