Chapter 3

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Okay you guys are so lucky I have these chapters uploaded already on watt pad and that I'm feeling happy enough by your wonderful comments that I'm using my dads iPhone to post this chapter. It's unedited because it's too much work to edit it on a small touch screen so comment if you see any mistakes also I wasn't able to italisize (or however you spell it lol ) dracos flashbacks and dreams and what not so hopefully you won't get to confused. Anywho I'll edit this soon when I go back home in a week. Thanks again for reading!


Chapter 3

Draco's POV

September 10

I walked the cobble stone halls not really paying attention to where I was going and not really seeing where my feet were taking me. I sighed as I walked, trying to keep my drooping eyelids to stay open. My dreams hadn't stopped and they didn't get any better with time.

I kicked a pebble that appeared before me and stopped in my tracks to see where it would roll off to, when I then heard giggling and laughter coming from the courtyard. I raised an eyebrow, curious. With an amused smirk on my handsome face, I quietly approached the sounds, staying hidden in the shadows.

What I saw before me was confusing and shocking and my smirk turned into a bemused one. I scrunched my eyebrows and blinked my eyes, making sure that I wasn't imagining what i was was seeing. It bloody hell was a disturbing site.

Weasley and Granger were practically shoving their tongues down each other's throats and laughing and smiling as they did it, their arms holding each other close. I snorted in disgust, who would've thought the mudblood had it in her. I contemplated whether or not to cause some mayhem between the two or to just mind my own business, when Potter came storming up to the two.

Potter, with a pissed off expression on his face, grabbed Weasley by the shoulder and pulled him off Granger.

"Bloody hell!" Weasley cried out as his lips were removed from hers.

"What in Merlin's name are you doing with her?" Potter demanded, angry. I held back a laugh.

Weasley seemed to finally register through his thick skull who was standing in front of him.

"Piss off, Harry." Weasley said and grabbed Granger by the arm, pulling her up to stand next to him. "It's none of your business."

"It bloody hell is my business!" Potter shouted, his hands clenching in fists.

"No, it's not." Weasley growled and began to walk away with a scared Granger in his arms.

"When my best friend cheats on my other best friend, it is my business." Potter replied, his voice low, but had a furious tone to it.

I raised an eyebrow, wasn't Weasley dating the mudblood? That's when i finally realized that the girl standing next to Weasley was not Granger but that clingy and demented, Lavender Brown. Didn't she die in the war? I shivered at the thought of snogging her, why would anyone right in the mind want to kiss that ugly wrench? I would choose the mudblood over her any day. I then had to force myself not to throw up at that ridiculous thought. I would want to kiss a Pygmy Puff rather than either of them.

I then saw Weasley's body tense up. He whispered something into the girl's ear who then hurriedly walked away and left Weasley and Potter behind.

"I cant believe you would do this Ron, and to Hermione! Hermione of all people!" Harry shouted, as if he couldn't wrap the thought around his finger. "Why would you do that to her? Why would you hurt her like that?"

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