Chapter 29

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Hey everyone thank you for the prayers. My mom has been getting better so I felt good enough to write a chapter. Its short but its something right? lol. My winter break is coming up starting this Friday so i'll be able to write more chapters for you awesome fans. Thanks again for waiting patiently, sorry it couldn't be longer.



Harry and Hermione took their time walking back towards the school. The sun was just beginning to set and the snow seemed to pause in its downpour. Harry looked at the ground as he walked, not knowing exactly what to say. He looked back up and side glanced at Hermione.

Hermione had her eyebrows scrunched together, a sign that she was in deep thought. Her breaths came out as puffs of white and her feet crunched against the snow. Her hands were stuffed into her pockets.

“How are we going to do this, Hermione?” Harry ventured to ask.

Hermione looked at him, instantly knowing what he was talking about. How were they going to accomplish the task she was given? All she knew was that she had to go where the sacred land was filled with ashes and chant a spell that she was not even given. She knew she would have to drag Aime along with her when the went. He knew what she had to do, although he still had yet to tell her all the details.

“I’ll tell you about it later,” She simply said not wanting to admit that she herself didn’t know everything.

Harry simply nodded his head. He knew Hermione would have everything prepared. It was Hermione Granger after all.


Once they reached the entrance foyer of the school they hesitated when going their separate ways. Harry consistently forgot that Hermione truly was not a Gryffindor anymore. She had crossed over into a world he could no longer reach.

“I’ll meet you during supper,” Hermione said. “I’m a bit tired. I think I might take a small nap.”

Harry nodded his head. He knew Hermione must have been having a hard time with her powers. And with the recent emotional stress he knew she was overworked and exhausted.

Once parting and heading towards different directions, Hermione turned towards the chambers but absentmindedly shifted directions and headed towards the library. She almost didn’t realize where she was until she smelt the beautiful aroma of parchment and old books.

It was completely empty, not a soul within. Well scratch that there was a few souls and ghosts wandering around. But there was no living person besides her. She walked towards her secluded spot where few knew it existed.

As soon as she walked into the aisle that led to her window seat it was overflowing with orange lilies. Hermione stopped in her tracks to look around, but there was no one there. To be more specific Draco was no where in sight.

A small smile made its way to her lips and her cheeks turned rosy pink. She shook her head and maneuvered her way to her seat. Glad that he at least left that untouched. But her senses were in overdrive and she could smell everything. The lilies were just so delicious smelling. As soon as she sat she literally closed her eyes just to take in the aroma that surrounded her.

She sat in silence for a while, just thinking. Draco had been so utterly sweet, so thoughtful, so loving. It was so very odd, so very different. But also truthful and honest. And there he went confusing her thoughts even more. Why did he have to confuse her? Why did he have to show her his sweet side, his kind side, his human side? She wanted to rip out her hair, wanted to scream, but she settled with just tightening her fists and sighing aloud.

She liked Draco. She would admit that, but she still didn’t trust him. She wanted to, but she just couldn’t. Maybe with time that would change but she was just unsure. She was broken, damaged goods so to say. But she felt like she was forgetting something or rather someone.

As Hermione continued to analyze her feelings, darkness slowly took over her and she drifted off to sleep. The temperature slowly dropping with each breath as the day turned to night and the clouds turned dark.

There seemed to be a chill in the air, but Hermione was unaware. She slept peacefully in her sleep. Her breaths came out as white clouds and her body continued to grow cold. Though she never noticed. Her body shivered and grew a ghostly pale, still she didn’t wake up. Her mind didn’t acknowledge the new found cold.

Footsteps sounded down the hall. They came closer and closer, growing louder and louder. Finally, they came to a stop. There stood a figure, unrecognizable, shrouded in darkness. From the tall frame and broad shoulders it was obviously a man. But who it was, was undetermined. He seemed to stare upon Hermione’s sleeping form. He continued to gaze at her, soaking in her beauty, her vulnerability.

His shoulders dropped and he sighed heavily. He took a step forward but then stopped, as if thinking to himself. Finally he continued to surge forward and took off his jacket that he wore, but he was still unrecognizable, to blurry to see. He placed his coat atop her. As soon as it touched her it transformed into a thick blanket. The man made sure she was completely covered.

He hovered over her, uncertain about something. Seeming to have a conflict within his mind. Hesitantly he placed his lips against her cold ones. His body shuddered as Hermione’s grew warmer.


Draco walked towards the secluded part of the library that rarely anyone knew about. He was going to tell Hermione the good news. That he was staying. However, he truly just didn’t want to go home. He convinced his father that he should remain in school so that he could watch over Potter and Granger. His father immediately agreed and Draco got to stay.

His other reasons for staying was to make sure that Theodore and Hermione didn’t get even more close than they already were. Also because he had more things planned.

A smile was on his face as he walked and he picked up pace. As soon as he turned the corner he stopped dead. The scene in front of him shocking him. He saw an unknown hazy figure kissing a sleeping Hermione. Anger boiled within him and he was instantly jolted back to reality.

“Take your filthy lips off of her,” Draco growled, his wand already out.

The unknown figure of a man left his lips on Hermione’s for a while more before he pulled away. His body shivering and shuddering. Hermione seemed unscathed and completely healthy. Her skin was glowing and that paleness she once had instantly disappeared.

The figure turned towards Draco slowly, looking him up and down. He wanted to chuckle. There was a boy trying to play the role of a man, the unknown person thought amusingly.

“Step away from her,” Draco said once more, his wand pointing at the man. If it was one of his father’s new recruits he was going to have something to say.

However, the man ignored him and instead placed a affectionate kiss upon Hermione’s forehead. He was growing tired and was exhausted, but when he stared upon Hermione, he knew his pain was worth it.

“I said get away from her,” Draco said once more and unleashed a spell on the back turned man.

Before the spell could even touch him it disappeared. The man shook his head to himself and looked towards Draco after reassuring himself that Hermione was fine. He stood, still silent. Draco continued to aim curses at him, but none were ever able to pierce whatever shield he had placed around himself.

The last thing Draco was able to see before the man disappeared was a piercing white smile and glowing blue eyes as the man vanished in thick black smoke.


Sorry again that it's short. Anyways who do you think the guy is?

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