Chapter 14: Sexy and I know it

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Okay First i just want to say that this chapter is a lot different than the others and i hope it turned out okay. I tried to make you guys laugh in this one but if it sucks just tell me!


Slytherin Common Room…

“Good one Theo,” Pansy snapped, rolling her eyes at Theodore who sat looking at the entrance of the common room, waiting for Hermione to come back so he could apologize.

He didn’t mean what he said; he didn’t mean any of it. He was just shocked and maybe even a bit jealous seeing her snog Cormac Mclaggen in front of the whole school. He thought he would have to look out for Draco but he didn’t even think about anybody else, he thought he scared away the rest of the boys who dared to talk to Hermione, although she was intimidating all her own.

“Piss off, Parkinson,” Theodore growled, growing irritated with her snide remarks.

Pansy sneered at him. She didn’t know why but she didn’t like Nott yelling at Hermione. Yes they weren’t close friends, well maybe not even considered friends, but they got to know each other well enough over the course of the week. And wasn’t it the girl code to stick up for each other especially when they’re being yelled at for doing nothing wrong? Pansy had no clue; to be honest she never really had girlfriends.  Most of the girls in her house disliked her and others were scared of her.

Then there was the obvious problem. Hermione was a Mudblood. And no matter how much the war had changed Pansy; she couldn’t ignore the lessons and rules instilled into her by her parents. It was part of her now. She disliked Mudblood’s, hated them even; they were filth, as simple as that. But Pansy also couldn’t help but feel bad for thinking that way. The more she got to genuinely know Hermione, the more she liked her, and the more the barriers between them began to crumble.

“Just because you’re jealous didn’t mean you had to go and yell at her,” Pansy continued to speak, ignoring Theodore’s previous request.

“I’m not jealous,” Theodore replied shooting daggers at her, but it lacked the usual anger behind them. Pansy chuckled.

“Keep telling yourself that Theo,” Pansy pestered. “And she most likely doesn’t even like Mclaggen.”

“How do you know that?” Theodore asked her curious, turning his attention from the entrance of the common room to her. Pansy rolled her eyes. Boys, she thought. 

“Well she’s obviously only trying to make the Weasel jealous,” Pansy replied in a “duh” tone of voice. Pansy then stood up. “Really Theo, you should just tell her you like her before she falls for someone else.”

“Like who?” Theodore asked angrily.

Pansy rolled her eyes once more. Were all boys really this thick? She thought about Blaise and a smile tugged at her lips while blush rushed to her cheeks. No, she thought, Blaise is far from being thick. He’s the most intuitive as well as intelligent and devilishly handsome and cunning person she knew. Not even Draco compared to him in her mind and that in itself could’ve shocked anyone.

“I don’t know maybe she’ll really fall in love with Mclaggen, or maybe even take back the Weasel. Although I’m sure she’s smarter than that. Or maybe she could even fall in love with…” Pansy trailed off. She had been thinking about the connection for a while now. Was it possible?

Theodore looked at her waiting for her to continue.

“…Draco.” She said and thought about Hermione and Draco for a minute. Maybe, just maybe…

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