Chapter 15

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Ok guys heres the chapter im dreading to post and hated to write but it had to be done, it just had to be. Im really trying to you know keep in character and its honestly harder than i thought. Plz comment and express how you feel about this chapter it'll give me ideas how to maybe end this story, although thats still many chapters away. Thanks for reading you guys are the best ever!!!!!!!!!

<3 Malia

PS. this was originally supposed to be a MUCH MUCH MUCH longer chapter (This is the SHORTEST chapter i ever written for this story...)  but i didnt want you guys to wait too long for an update so I cut this small part from the original chapter which im still writing cuz it's taking a lot of time. I guess this is a sneak peek chapter?


In the Library…

Hermione sat on the window seat, her attention focused solely on the book in front of her. She forgot the world around her and it was simply just her and the book in her hands. She forgot about Ron, she forgot about nearly dying, she forgot about all the hurt and pain, and she even forgot about Draco for that moment of time.

Draco sat on a chair that he personally placed in the middle of the walkway, facing Hermione. He didn’t know how long he sat there just staring at her, but she didn’t notice his gaze and he was just fine with that. He found it amusing how her facial expressions would change as she read. Sometimes she would chuckle or smile, her eyes shining, yet sometimes her eyebrows were scrunched together in confusion. He liked watching as her lips moved as she silently mouthed the words she read, for some reason it only made her all the more attractive. To see her in her natural element, to see her being, well, being the old Hermione.

Watching her Draco could see why all the lads used to talk about her in years long past. Seeing her like this, she wasn’t intimidating; she seemed almost childlike, innocent, someone that needed a knight in shining armor. She seemed pure, untainted, and maybe even untouchable because of that.

The lamp that illuminated the darkened and secluded part of the library they were in, flickered. The moonlight streamed in from the window seat that Hermione sat atop and basked her body in a soft silver glow. Draco’s heart thumped loudly in his chest and his palms began to sweat, but he hadn’t the faintest idea why.

Hermione turned the page of the book, read the last line, and with a smile and sigh, closed the book and placed it on her lap. She stared out the window and saw the full moon and light snowfall.  It was beautiful and she wished she could sit there and be in that moment forever. However her moment of tranquility was interrupted when someone coughed aloud.

“Did you finish the book?” Draco asked her.

Hermione turned to look at him honestly surprised to see him still sitting there. She thought he would’ve left hours ago. What had he been doing the entire time she was reading? Sitting there, staring at her? She asked herself.

“Yes,” she simply replied, getting lost in his grey eyes that were almost as silver as the moon. “You’re still here?” She asked him, unable to stop the words.

He chuckled.

“Well what else was I supposed to do?” He asked her. She shrugged her shoulders.

“I don’t know Draco, you must have better things to do than stay here with me,” She replied.

“Like what?” He questioned, honestly curious to know what she thought.

“Like…” Hermione struggled for something to say. “Scare first years, pull pranks on the Gryffindor’s, get sacked, snog a girl, make fun of Pansy, uh, have a chocolate frog eating contest.”

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