Chapter 3.

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When I got into college, I had to move on from everything. Especially Daniel.

My friends and I faded apart and we all started making other friends. Andrew was the only one to stay by me till the end. It's hard to move on. Especially if you've been loving for so so long.

I struggled to get Daniel out of my mind. I constantly wondered why he left. If it was because of me, if something happened, if I did something wrong. I always asked myself what should I do. I studied and worked at my part time so much just to take my mind out of things. I was always sad and I was always alone. Sure I had some friends in college but I was usually third wheeling. I never dated anyone too. I actually pushed Andrew away because I knew he'd forget about me since he was growing popular. I kept to myself. I pushed people away with the mindset to not get too close. Don't get too close, they'll leave you and hurt you too.

But...then I met Coby.

And my life took a huge turn. He always told these ridiculous jokes so I would show the least bit of emotions. But when I pushed him away he'd respect that...for the day. The next day he'd be telling me jokes again. I found myself taking a liking to this guy and made an effort to open up. But I never realized he didn't want to get too close too and, well, you know that story already.

So really Coby and I have helped each other through our rough times. We're each other's light in the moment of complete and utter darkness.

Anyways! Back to the main topic.

Seeing Daniel in front of me now is bringing back memories I don't want to remember. Memories I've hidden and kept away all these years. But most of it's bringing back the unanswered questions.

"Verdana..." He says and I purse my lips to stop a smile. I missed him. I missed his eyes, his voice, his hair, him.

"Why." I blurt and he looks down but I know it's not the right time to talk about that so I continue

"Why did you call me here. All the way to London."

Daniel looks up at me and blinks a few times before sitting up straight and regaining his business like self.

"As you might know, someone has hacked into our systems and stolen many things from us." Daniel says and I nod

"Payment." I say and the three of them look at each other

"£100,000" Martin says

"You're joking." I say. Martin and I start to argue about the price.

"Please Verdana." Daniel says looking at me with soft eyes making everyone around us shocked.

"They stole all our money. If you could get it back I promise you'll be given more but for now all that's left is £500,000" He says and I sigh

"£500,000. You give me the first £100,000 and then pay me the rest when your money is returned." I say and they all nod

I get up with my things and look Daniel in the eyes.

"£500,000. And answers. That's what I want." I tell him and he nods looking down

I write down my phone number and hand it to him. He hands me his business card and I walk away.

Finally. I finally get the answers I've been waiting for.


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