Chapter 5.

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I met up with Oliver and Martin at the lobby of their huge ass company.

"We'll take you to our computer room" Oliver says and I nod

"Where's Daniel?" I ask

"Working. As usual" Oliver says

"He always works from morning to 6PM. From 6PM he's either at the club drinking or making love to a random girl" Martin explains and I stop in my tracks


"Verdana? Are you okay?"Oliver asks

"Really?" I ask in disbelief

"What?" Oliver asks

"Does he really do that?"


"Martin." I say

"What did I do??" Martin asks

"Does he really say making love" I say and Oliver bursts out laughing

"I know right!!!!" Oliver says

"Literally I'm shocked. Who the fucking hell says making love" I say and Martin sighs and face palms

"Can we please make a move on" Martin says and Oliver walks next to me with an arm around my shoulder

"You and I are gonna be great friends." Oliver says

We get to the computer room where all the IT's are. I plop down in front of a computer and turn it on. I spin the chair to face Oliver and Martin

"You can leave. I'll be here a while. Just shake me when it's something super important." I say and they both nod, leaving me to my work.

I don't know how long time has passed but damn this hacker is friggin good. I don't look up from the screen once so I didn't notice that I was all alone until someone shook me. I look up to see a bodyguard above me.

"what." I say annoyed

"Sir Daniel told me to get you." He says and I glare at him but nod

He leads me to the elevator and takes me to the top floor. There were only 2 doors. One that says Vice President and ,obviously, one that says President. He takes me into the President's office and I gasp.

Yes as expected it was huge. It had a couch and  a huge flat screen TV. Obviously there was a desk with his computers and paperwork and shit.

I didn't gasp because of that though. I gasped because near the huge ass window with a view of the city, a table lit dinner for two was set up. Daniel was sitting on one side and this bodyguard was urging me to sit on the other side.

"Tsk tsk tsk. It's bad to skip meals Verdana" Daniel says as he stands up to greet me

"What do you mean?" I ask

"Well I heard about your delicious lunch. Chips and Dr. Pepper." He says and I smile sheepishly

"I was busy. This hacker is friggin good." I say

"Please, have a seat" he says and pulls the chair for me. I chuckle as I sit down and he looks at mr with his eyebrows raised.

"You've suddenly become a gentleman" I say and he rolls his eyes

It was awkward. I mean come on, you're sitting in a candle lit dinner with your ex who left you with no explanation. What would you do?

"Verdana....I'm sorry. I've hurt you so many times and fuck I've apologized an infinite number of times. I'm such an asshole. I left you broken and i keep doing it. I'm such a fucked up mess. I'm sorry. I really don't have anything else to say but I'm so fucking sorry." He rants

He continues to ramble and I don't stop him. I quietly wait for him to finish and I eat my food as I wait. He keeps rambling about he's so stupid and how he's sorry but he has yet to tell me why he left....maybe another day.

"I'm so fucked up." He says running a hand through his hair

"Okay." I say and he looks at me confused

"What?" He asks

"Okay. I forgive you."


"How could you forgive me?!?! After all the shit I put you through!!! God you shouldn't forgive me. An asshole like me should not be forgiven. We should be burning in hell." He says as he now pulls on his hair

"And please don't fucking pull the whole "I believe everyone deserves a second chance" bull shit. You've given me my second much chance and I've broken it...yet you still give me more chances, no matter how many times I screw up...." He says

"Yeah Daniel. You have hurt me so much. Every single chance you break it hurts like hell. I mean how would you feel if someone you love keeps breaking your trust, your love and you." I say

"Angry. Furious. Every other synonym of Mad. "He says

"Yeah. I did feel that. But then I realized that it hurts even more to be mad. The easiest way to heal a heart is to move on. So if you just forgive someone and move on then it's easier for the pain to go away." I say.

He looks down speechless.

"I said forgive. But it doesn't mean I forgot. It doesn't mean that the crack you created in my heart can be easily fixed. With every single mistake, you gave me a painful stab. And even though I forgive you, I still have a scar to remember what you did. And it's all because of that scar that when I look at you, I'll remember what you did to me and how much it hurt." I continue

"So I forgive you. And as I gain another scar, you gain another chance to make me forget about all the scars you've made. You get a chance to cover it up and make it seem as if the scar was never there." I say as I stand up

"Don't waste this chance."

I collect my things and walk to the exit, leaving the still speechless Daniel.


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