Chapter 10.

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The boys and I were at Starbucks. I told them I wanted to go around town and maybe do a bit of shopping. I said I was gonna go by myself but they insisted to come and they insisted to pay for me. I'm not complaining; I got free stuff.

"Do you guys have a girlfriend? Or like someone you like?" I ask them

"Nope. Too busy" Daniel says sipping his coffee

"Nahhhhh. Haven't found anyone I like." Drew says

"Same with the two of them" Oliver says

I look at them with a blank face. None of them a have girl. So what? I'm supposed to go through my time here with no girl time? Hell no.

"Are you fuckin serious." I say

They nod. I shake my head and pick up my phone and dial her number.

"We'll be having another girl in the house." I announce

I talked to my friend Naomi from college. She's now a lawyer of defense and is awesome at her job. We haven't been in contact for long because she's never free and always busy but luckily she got herself a break.

I end the call and look at the boys smiling.

"Sooo who was that?" Oliver asks

"She's my friend from college!!! She's a lawyer of defense." I say

"She can fly all the way here? Just like that? What about her clients?" Daniel asks

"Well she deserves a well deserved break. She's been working so hard and needs to rest. She said that she could recommend her clients to her friend who is just as good as her." I say

End of Flashback

It's been a week now and my friend should be here by now. A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts and I jump up. That must be her! I rush to open the door and squeal when I see her.

"NAOMI!!!!!" I squeal

"VERDANA!!!!!!" Naomi squeals with me.

We hug each other tightly, saying our "I missed you's" and "how are you's". I help her to brin her bags inside and she plops on the couch. The boys were out buying some ingredients for me.

Naomi is a beautiful woman. She has wavy brown hair that ends just below her shoulders. She wasn't too fat or too skinny, she was just in the middle. She has glasses on but she rocks it and she doesn't look nerdy at all. She was beautiful.

"Gosh how I've missed you V!!" Naomi says and I smile widely

"I know right!! You're always sooo busy" I say

"How's Cobs???" She asks and I smile

"He's okay. Look what he got me!!!" I say and show her my jar of kisses chocolate

"He said that the chocolate is a kiss and he also gave me a huge stuffed kitten to represent him. I can cuddle and hug it and pretend it was him." I say and she awws

"You guys are the cutest." She says

Just then, the boys came in laughing loudly. They didn't notice our presence and continued to laugh as they put down the grocery bags. As they came to the living room, they were about to disucss about what happened but then they noticed that I wasn't alone. They stopped laughing and stared at us wide eyed

"I uhm we're uh so sorry. We didn't see you there. I mean it's not like you're not pretty cause you are and uhm only a blind person won't be able to see your not pretty. But I'm not blind! I just didn't-" Andrew starts rambling but Oliver hits him in the head to stop him

"Dude. Shut up. I'm cringing at your embarassment." Oliver says, making Andrew turn red.

I look over at Naomi and see that she's bright red too. I smirk at her, making her glare at me.

"Holy crap V. You're such a bitch." Naomi whispers

"What ever do you mean, Naomi?" I say innocently

"Seriously?! You never told me you were friends with HIM." she whisper-yells

"Oh? Well I'm sorry. I forgot to tell you that, yes, I am friends with your celebrity crush." I say and she hits me in the head


I chuckle at her and pull her up.

"Guys. This is Naomi ; she's the friend that I've been telling you about. Naomi, these are my friends." I say and she glares at me before smiling kindly

"Hi! I'm Andrew. Sorry for the uhm...awkward...introduction." Andrew says grinning at her. She blushes, waves and pushes up her eyeglasses. Whenever she pushes up her eyeglasses, it means she's nervous.

"Hi!!!! I'm Oliver"

"I'm Daniel"

Naomi's smile turns into an amused look when she sees them.

"I know you!!! Your lawyer is Martin, right?" She asks

"Yup!!!" Oliver says

"I've met him before. He talked a lot about you two. Not exactly good things though..." She smirks and the guys smile sheepishly

"Soooooooo celebrity crush aye?" Andrew says, making Naomi turn bright red again

"OH HEY!!! LOOK AT THAT, I STILL HAVE TO UNPACK!!!" She yells and grabs her bag before stumbling a bit and rushing towards the stairs.

"You don't know where your room is." I tell her

"All the guest rooms are already taken by these two. Just cause most of the house is clean doesn't mean that all the bedroom's are clean." Andrew says

"Sooo where is she supposed to say?"

"In my room." Andrew shrugs

Cue red faced Naomi

"Yes because your room is soooo clean" Oliver and Naomi say sarcastically

"Yes it is." Andrew and Daniel say in unison

"When you grow up with V, she will always force you to clean your mess." Daniel explains

"And I lived in V's house for a few years, so I picked up the habit of fixing my room." Andrew says smirking at them

"I'll be the judge of that." Naomi says

Andrew takes her bags upstairs and leads Naomi to his room. The three of us who were left watched as they went up the stairs together.

"Ship it."  We all say


But...(Sequel to If Only) ✔Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant