Chapter 22.

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I woke up at around 6pm. Andrew was asleep on the other couch while Daniel slept on the bean bag. My phone was ringing loudly on the table. I groggily picked it up.


"May I please speak to a Ms. Verdana?" A female's voice speaks up

"This is she" I say

"Hello, Ms. I am calling to inform you that Coby has woken up from his coma. He's requesting to see you."

I didn't bother changing clothes. I didn't care if I still had a hangover. I grabbed my keys and rushed to the hospital. I heard Andrew and Daniel calling out to me, but I didn't listen. I needed to see Coby.


I arrived in just a few minutes. I rushed down the familiar halls that I've been visitng these last few weeks. When I get to Coby's door, I hesitate. What if he still hates me? What if he wants to see me because he wants to break up? I don't know what I will do if I lose him...

I shook my head of the thoughts, and slowly turned the handle. My heart was beating so fast, and it wasn't because of the run I did just to get here. I was so nervous to see him for some reason. I opened the door and there he layed.

Coby's head turned to me and he smiled. He smiled the smile that I have missed so much. My eyes watered at the sight of him.

"Am I gonna get a hug or are you just gonna keep standing there?" He speaks. His voice sounded so refreshing and so nostalgic. I missed it so much. I couldn't help the tears that fell. I was crying yet again. I rushed over to him and hugged him. I made sure to not hug him too tight because I know he would still be in pain.

"Heyyyy why are you crying? I just woke up and the first thing I see is my girlfriend crying? Jeez...should I have waken up in a different time?" He chuckles

"I...I thought...I thought I lost you..." I sob out. This is the most I've cried in all my life.

"You didn't lose me...I couldn't die just yet. It was tempting, but I couldn't. I still had to do something." He says

"I'm so so so glad you're okay..." I say through my sobs

"I'm okay, but you're not. I can smell the alcohol on you" He says


He lifts my head from his chest and looks me in the eyes. His blue eyes stare into mine. He wipes a tear from my face and smiles sadly.

"You should have more faith in me, V. I'm a fighter and I am not leaving you. You didn't have to be sad and upset...but...I guess I should've have more faith in you too."

"I should've let you explain before assuming that you cheated on me. I know that you would be the last person to hurt me. You're the only one that knows about my mother's abuse, about my ex's cheating, about the bullying in high school, about every fucked up thing in my life. I don't think that you'd just cheat on me too."

"But...just answer this. Do you still love him? Do you still love, Daniel?" He asks

"No...No, I do not. I moved on from him. I love you. I love you so so much" I say in complete honesty

"Then can we spare ourselve the heart ache in reminiscing the past by just moving on and forgetting about it? Remember what you always say? Forgive and forget-"

"-so that things will go back to perfect" I finish the sentence

"Yeah. What you say? I forgive you. Do you forgive me?"

I kissed him passionately as an answer. He responds immediately and kisses back. The familiar sparks and butterflies return as I kiss him. A spark lights up within me. It felt so amazing to have him back. This felt so right. This felt so perfect.

We pulled away for air, and for a few minutes we just stayed there staring at each other with huge smiles on our faces. Andrew was right. One by one things are starting to get better.


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