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"You say she was shot and killed when she was about to reveal information?" Ki-Adi Mundi asks.

"Yes, Master Mundi. We got nothing out of it," I sigh. "Besides saving Senator Amidala."

Yoda spoke up, "only thing that matters, it is."

"Speaking of, what is to come of the Senator?" Obi Wan asked the Council.

"I suggest you take Miss Amidala on a refugee freighter back to Naboo and watch over her," Master Windu suggested.

"I have business elsewhere, but Anakin can do the job," Obi Wan said half heartedly. I wouldn't blame him, Anakin can sometimes neglect his duties. Suddenly I once again became jealous of Padmé. How lucky she was to spend time with Anakin while I will stay here and watch the library or something.

Master Windu motioned towards me, "and (Y/L/N) could come with. You can call yourselves Senator Amidala's Jedi Protectors."

"That is a fine idea, Master Windu," Anakin said, glancing over at me with a smile. "We make an excellent team."

"True, that is," Yoda smiled. Inside of me, butterflies swarmed in my stomach. Did I have feelings for Anakin? I don't even know.

"Then it is settled. Skywalker and (Y/L/N) will take Senator Amidala back to Naboo tomorrow at midday," Mace Windu told us.

"Thank you, Master Windu," I said, and we all bowed and exited the room.


There was a knock at my door. I got up and opened it to see Anakin.

"Hello. May I come in?" He asked.

I gestured my hand inside. He walked in and sat down on my bed.

"What brings you here?" I ask him, and go and sit next to him.

He turns his body towards me, "just wanted to talk. So, are you ready for tomorrow?"

"Yeah. Actually, I'm really excited," I smile.

Anakin smiles back, "whys that?"

"I don't know, I guess it's because I haven't been on a mission in so long," I tell him.

"It's just to protect Padmé," he laughed.

I shrugged, "a mission is a mission." We sat in silence for a moment.

"Obi Wan told about Master Argus," he looked at me. "I'm very sorry, (Y/N)." I look at him and realize he's looking at me with sympathy. No, empathy.

"It's a past I cannot do anything about," I tell him.

"I've once lost someone very dear to me," water dwells in his eyes. "Before I came here to train, Qui Gon Jinn had found me. He fought for me to be a Jedi, to keep his promise of it. I wouldn't be here today without him."

That's who they were talking about last night. I rub his back, "that's terrible, Anakin. He sounded like a great mentor."

Anakin nodded his head. He began to wipe away tears, "so, tell me about you. I want to know the real (Y/N). How you got where you are today."

Living a Lie {Anakin Skywalker x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now