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"You and Artoo will stay with the ship," Anakin tells Padmé.

Padmé looks at Anakin then to me, "I should have at least one of you protecting me. You know, like you're supposed to be doing."

"Well someone needs to watch the ship," Anakin says.

"Then (Y/N) can stay here," Padmé suggest.

He furrows his eyebrows, "no, Padmé. (Y/N) will not --"

"Anakin, it's fine. I can stay with Artoo," I chime in. Artoo whistles and beeps with joy.

I pat the droid, "thanks Artoo. I love spending time with you too." If the droid could blush, it would.

Anakin's eyes softened, "be safe."

"Artoo is the one you have to worry about," I laugh. He laughs too.

Padmé touches Anakin's shoulder, "we should get going."

Anakin jerked his shoulder away, "alright. Bye, (Y/N)." They left the ship.

"Now we wait," I tell Artoo.


Darkness surrounded my vision. Suddenly, my body ached. Ached of pain and sadness. All of these feelings came from Anakin, my father. And Master Argus.

My vision swirls, and I am transported to Endor. The forest moon seems particularly quiet and still. A hooded figure walks from tree to tree, brushing its hand up against each one. It stops, and pulls off his hood. Master Argus.

He pulls out his comlink, "Dee dee, I need you to make a personal message." His droid responded with a few beeps and whistles, indicating it was recording.

"(Y/N)," Argus started, "please forgive me. I'm leaving the Order. Once I destroy the control ship, I will be gone. I must do this. You may not know this, but your father was strong in the Force. He was my best friend, and I am leaving to go find him within the Force. I am sorry, (Y/N). Do not come looking for me. I do believe I will se you again. One day. May the Force be with you." He pushed a button stopping the recording.

"When we destroy the ship, I need you to transmit this to (Y/N)," Roland instructs the droid. It responds and obeys.

The sound of blaster fire go off, along with the red beams of light. Master Argus whips his lightsaber out, but it is too late. He collapses, and his body goes limb.


I wake up, unable to control my breathing.

"(Y/N)?" I see Anakin above me. "What happened?"

I let all the tears I've been holding back these last few years spill out. "Master Argus is dead." I throw myself into Anakin's arms.

He pets back my hair, "he's not dead. He left the Jedi Order."

"No," I choke on my words. "I had a vision. Master Argus, he -- he was killed."

"(Y/N), I'm so sorry," he squeezed me.

Padmé cleared her throat, "should we get to your mothers farm?" At Padmé's voice I jumped away from Anakin, as he did the same.

"My old owner, Watto, told us that my mother had been bought from him. But the man who bought her married her, so we are going to their moisture farm," Anakin explained to me.

Living a Lie {Anakin Skywalker x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now