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I sit outside the Chamber. The Council had requested me for whatever reason, and I'm not getting a good vibe from it. As I'm waiting, I linger on my vision from last night. This one felt much more real than the last one. Its as if the closer I get to it happening, the more likely it will happen.

The door swings open, and not a master, but Von invites me inside. "Come," he gestures inside. I raise an eyebrow at him, wondering why he was here. Carefully, I walk into the chambers, Von following close behind.

"(Y/L/N)," Mace Windu smiled.

I bowed, "hello." The council looked upon me in an odd way. It was unsettling.

Yoda sighs, "talk to you, we need. Issues, there have been." 

I nod, the knot in my stomach becoming tighter. "Which are?" I question, not really wanting to know the answer.

"Close with Skywalker, you are," Yoda starts. "Much disobedience from him. Know why, do you?"

It was as if my baby kicking me at this very moment was my answer. If I told them what had been going on, they could try to help. But if not, problems would grow worse. I droop my head to the floor, completely torn by what to do. Anakin would be furious, because he hates receiving help from others. 

"(Y/L/N)?" Windu takes my attention, impatiently.

I had to do what I had to. "He has been having these visions. Gruesome, painful visions. Most mornings when we go to train, he tells me about how his dreams were haunted with suffering."

"What type of suffering?" Mundi chimes in.

Keeping my eye contact away from Kenobi, I reply. "Death."

But Obi-Wan realizes the conflict within me, "of many, or someone he knows? Someone...close to him."

I shake my head quickly, my eyes darting back and forth between Yoda and Mace, seeing if they are interpreting anything.

"Do you know, or wish not to tell us?" Obi-Wan pushes more questions in my way.

Still keeping silent, afraid of saying too much, I look away from the councilmen. 

"Leave, you may. Much inside you, there is to sort out," Yoda offers with sympathy. Relaxing, I walk out of the chambers, not even giving my farewells. 

As I shuffle down the halls, I hear rapid footsteps behind me. "Master!" Von calls out, grabbing my arm once he is next to me.

Ripping my arm out of his grip, I shout, "do not touch me! Do not speak to me!"

Von steps back, frightened. He nods, "yes, master. I will see you in the morning." 

Turning away, I keep my pace down the hall. I begin to feel somewhat bad for Von. Probably I shouldn't of been too harsh on him. Once I reach the end of the hall, I head onto the veranda and take the speeder back to the apartment. But instead of going back to my room, I hover outside a familiar balcony. 

Getting out of the speeder, I pat down my clothes. "M'lady, it looks like you have a visitor," an all too known voice speaks.

"I'll be right there, Threepio," Padme Amidala replies. As she walks out of her room, her eyes widen at the sight of me. "(Y/N)!" she shouts, running over to give me a hug. "What's wrong?"

I gulp, "I need to talk to someone. Someone that I can trust."

Padme looks surprised, as if she thought she would be the last person I would go to to talk. "Come sit down," she insists, guiding me to the couch. 

I slump down, and she sits next to me. "Now, what is it?" she asks.

"I've just been not feeling well lately. Anakin has been acting different lately, and the council doesn't seem to trust me," I admit.

Padme sets a hand on my shoulder, "Anakin is going through a lot right now, I'm sure. War changes people. As his friend, you should try to ignore it. There's nothing you can really do about it. But for the council, they are very uneasy about a lot of things lately. Especially since there had been rumors of a Sith in control. I have no doubt that they are paranoid about everything." 

As if now was the worst time to do so, the baby kicks, harder than it has before. It felt like two rather than one, with the strength of it. I clutch onto my stomach, letting out a cry.

"(Y/N)!" Padme grabs onto my arm. "Are you okay?"

I nod, taking a deep breath in. "I've been having this for a while now. It's okay. Just a bad stomachache." 

She looks at my forehead and shakes her head, "you're sweating. It is freezing out." Setting her hand to the top of my head, she gasps, "you have a fever. Lie down, I'll go get you something. I believe you're sick."

"No I'm not," I retort, wiping the condensation off my forehead. "Padme..." I start, not knowing how to say the right words. "I've been blessed with a child."

"You're pregnant?" she questions.

I nod, looking down at my feet, expecting a scolding. But she hugs me, "I'm so happy for you! Is it a boy or a-"

"Padme!" I stop her. "Don't you realize? I shouldn't be pregnant!"

"But this is wonderful! You will have a baby, and no matter what happens, I will be here to help," she offers. 

I turn away from her, "no Padme. It is not wonderful. I will surely be kicked out of the order. And no doubt will-" I stop myself.

Padme frowns, "Anakin?" Her face tells me that she already knows, that she hates the truth. But she does not know for sure. As if she knows the answer, but is afraid for it to be confirmed.

"Anakin," I reply, confirming her beliefs.

"Wow," she says, sitting back. "Some friendship you two have." Padme seemed disappointed that he was the father.

I look at her, "we are married, Padme. Have been for two years."

This causes her to sit up and look at me with sad eyes. But she shakes away whatever emotion she was feeling, because she smiles, "I knew the first day you saw him, that you loved him. That he loved you. I had never seen two people look at each other the way you guys had. I'm very happy for you two."

"But you're not happy for us," I retort, causing her to narrow her eyes.

"I had loved him once, but he is a Jedi. I gave up my feelings for him," she bit her lip.

"I understand how it is to lose someone you love. But you haven't lost Anakin. He loves you dearly, Padme. I hope you learn to accept that you were originally placed in his heart. And I say, there was no one better he could of chosen."

Padme smiles, a little bit of red coming to her cheeks. It didn't bother me anymore, that someone had loved him. That Anakin had loved someone else. It was how life worked. I set a hand on hers, "I must get home to Anakin. We have to talk about things. Come by sometime, will you?"

"I will," she promised, watching as I walk back to the speeder.

Just as I start it up, she shouts, "congratulations. You will make an amazing mother." I smile back at her before zooming upwards to Anakin and my place. 

Living a Lie {Anakin Skywalker x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now