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"Thank you for allowing me to meet with you all in such short notice," I bow to the Council. "I came before you all today, to request a leave."

"What is your reasoning for this, (Y/L/N)?" Windu inquired.

I clear my throat, "I believe now is an appropriate time. And I have given much to the Order, it is only fair I be given time off."

Mace nods, while Ki-Adi-Mundi steps in, "we are in the middle of a war! This is no appropriate time!"

"A point, Mundi has," Yoda chimed in. "Much good to us, no doubt. But, break, you need."

"I believe I can speak for almost everyone when I say this," Mace eyed Mundi, "but i approve of your leave, on one circumstance. At our call, you will report to us immediately."

I put my hands behind my back, "of course, Master Windu."

"Then it is settled. You will have a leave, beginning first thing in the morning. Time given will be two weeks," Mace explains.

I bow, "I am quite grateful, Master Windu. Thank you." The Jedi nods in response, and I exit the Chamber. Now all Anakin had to do was convince the Council of his time off.


Anakin POV

"You don't think the Council will allow me time off?" I urged Obi Wan.

He shook his head, "not after (Y/N) was given her time off."

"How come," I start, "she gets time off, but I can't?"

"She's a Knight, Anakin. She gets much more royalties," my Master studied a piece of paper.

"That's no fair!" I whine.

Obi Wan laughs, and shakes his head, "go ask the Council, then, my young Padawan learner." I cringe at Padawan learner.


Your POV

"Hello, Skywalker. Master Windu, Master Yoda," I greet the Council members standing before Anakin and me.

Yoda gives a warm smile, "wondering you you were summoned here, you are."

Anakin nods, "very true, Master Yoda."

"I can tell you why," Mace starts. "We are curious why the two of you happen to request time off at the same time." He eyes us cautiously.

I sigh, "I will not lie to you, Master Windu, we had planned this." Windu raises an eyebrow. "But I assure you, it is only to catch up. We have been friends for quite some time now, and we would like to be able to exchange stories without being called on every five minutes for a mission."

Yoda walked closer to me, and I knelt down. He spoke in a hushed voice, "grant leave, I do. Not, Windu does."

I looked at him confused. he smiled, and walked back to his original position. "Leave, you two shall."

Mace opened his mouth to say something, but with a raise of Yodas hand, he stopped.

Anakin bowed, "thank you, Master Yoda, Master Windu." I bowed as well, still taken back from Yoda's decision. It was not of him to go behind a fellow Jedi's – or for that matter, anybody's – back. Anakin turned on his heel, and led the way out of the meditation room. As I followed, I wondered why Yoda gave us the time off. Was this a test? Probably.


"Welcome to Naboo," Anakin announced, and held out a hand for me. I took it, and stepped off the ramp of the ship. As I let his hand go, he grabbed my bag of nightwear and we walked to a speeder. "Do you think we could take it?"

I laugh, "of course not!" Anakin shrugged and walked past the speeder, still keeping his eye on it.

With his free hand, he pointed ahead, "let's ask him for a ride." I nod in response, and we jog over to a parked speeder with a resting man in it. He had a death stick resting in his hand. His hair was black, and he had green eyes. Not only did he wear a leather jacket, but he wasn't even human. I'm not sure what he was, but his hands were scaly, but his face human-like. The face of the man was full of scars. This didn't settle with me well.

We reached his speeder.

"What can I do for you Jedi?" The man asked in a raspy tone.

"Can you get us to the lake estate?" Anakin set down my bag.

The man slapped the exterior of the car, "This baby can get you there in no time." A devilish smile creeped up the mans face, "but I don't taxi for free."

"Here," I pulled out 1,000 Republic credits. "Will this be good?"

He put the death stick in his mouth and snatched the money from it. "This should just cover it," he obsessively observed it.

"Great," Anakin hopped into the back seat, and I followed.

The man starts up the engine and we speed off. "So, what two Jedi like you doin here?"

"We are on a leave," I tell him.

He looks back at us and smirks, "I though Jedi couldn't date."

I try to conceal the heat rushing to my cheeks. "Yeah, they can't," Anakin gives a warning glare.

The man turns back towards the road. "The names Doonga."

"I'm (Y/N)," I introduce myself.

Anakin raises his hand, "anakin."

Doonga nods and accelerates the speeder. I jerk back at the sudden movement.

Doonga laughs, "I never said this was gonna be smooth."

I curse under my breath as the driver zips through Theed. He's worse than Anakin. My hand clutches onto the seat as he makes a sharp right turn. The speeder rattles a bit. By the time we get to the lake, we won't even be in one piece.

We finally arrive to the lake. "I can't drive you across water," Doonga points out. "But if you ever need a driver, look me up. You can find me at Slons Saloon just past Theed."

"thanks, but I don't think we'll need it," I shakily exit the speeder.

"(Y/N), Anakin," the alien starts, "I know love when I see it. Now you two get out and enjoy your time off together."

"We're not--" Anakin starts but is cut of by Doonga.

"You're secrets safe with me," he promised, giving a smirk. Anakin grabs my bag and gets out, and Doonga waves, then speeds off.

Living a Lie {Anakin Skywalker x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now