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The music started, as everyone stood as Bella walked down the aisle. Amiee and Joe stood with their mom and the Cullen family. Denver is still asleep but starts turning when the music gets louder. Amiee tries to settle him but as soon as the pastor says "you may be seated" Denver starts to wail and cry. Amiee stands up and picks Denver up saying sorry to Alice and jasper who where sat beside her. Amiee walks off into the trees beside the ceremony

Amiee walks further in till she can't hear anything and stops "did you not like that music baba?" She coos to denver and walks around being light on her feet as if she was lightly waltzing with her baby.

"If you could hear me now,
If I could only get through,
I'd open my heart,
Whisper my dreams,
Share all my secrets with you.

If you could see me now,
Waiting for someone to hold,
Someone so brave,
Who's never afraid,
Someone who's stronger than knights of old.

I'll save this dance for you,
And hope it lasts forever,
So let ones star shine through,
Make my wish come true.

If you could hear this song,
This dance would last forever,
And carry us along,
To a place where we belong" amiee suddenly stops singing and whips around to the sound of a twig snapping to the left of her. She let out a breath when she saw the familiar blonde locks of jasper.

"I wanted to make sure you where okay. With denver and everything" jasper asks awkwardly, he puts his hands behind his back in a military stance.

"Everything's fine, I just can't be bothered with Bella saying I ruined her wedding so I'm just going to stay away from her, be better for everyone" amiee says looking down at her son and making faces.

"You can't stay out here all night" jasper says taking a step towards amiee as she leans against a fallen tree.

"I don't plan to, I'll come back when the ceremony is over and denver doesn't have to be quiet" she says not taking her eyes off her son, jasper can feel she is nervous but is confused about what.

"May I?" Jasper says gesturing his hand towards the space beside her. Amiee nods her head and adjusts denver on her hip.

"So why are you staying out here?" She asks as she adjusts denver on her hip again.

"Alice told me to either bring you back or stay with you. Do you want me to hold him?" He says referring to denver as he just watched amiee adjust him a third time in two minutes.

"Please" she says as she passes him the baby. A small smile appears on jasper face as denver beams a one toothed one up at him giggling. "He likes you"

"You're the second person to say that today"

"He doesn't like a lot of people, he usually cries when he's being held by someone he doesn't know" jasper looks at her in disbelief.

"I must be broken" he says nervously.

"No it's nice, it's nice seeing someone get along with my baby" she says inching closer to jasper

"Well it's nice to see I make someone smile" he says looking at denver.

"Make that two" amiee says smiling up at jasper and puts a soft pale hand on jaspers shoulder.

Standing behind some trees, further towards the ceremony emmett readies the camera and snaps a picture of jasper, amiee and denver. He came across them as he was going to let them know the ceremony was over. He wants his brother to be happy, but he knows what it would mean also.

Emmett approaches the three and snaps them out of their little moment. "Ceremony is over, it's time to party"

"Now I like that idea" amiee says leaning off the tree "want me to take him back?" She asks jasper referring to denver.

"Nah its my turn with the little man" emmett says and takes denver out of jaspers arms and spins around with denver above his head pretending he is a spaceship. Denver is giggling and laughing while waving his arms out in the air. Amiee and jasper can't stop laughing at the display in from of them. Finally they stop laughing and look around them to see no one there.

"Your brother is hilarious" amiee says.

"Yeah he is pretty funny, I've not laughed like that in a while, thank you" he says looking down at her.

"No problem, always happy to help" she says putting a hand on her hip and saluting him with two finger.

"I didn't mean to eavesdrop but that was a beautiful song I heard you singing"

"It's off one of my favourite childhood films, the nutcracker prince, kinda weird I still remember it but I feel I can relate you know?"

"I don't but carry on" he says with a giggle

"It's childish but I still believe in true love and that you have that one person, I'm still looking for that one, so I guess I sing it to my one but. they. don't.know.it. okay I'm rambling sorry, I'm not usually like this, your just really easy to talk to and I haven't really have anyone to talk to other than my brother, since I left Chris that is and even then I didn't have anyone to talk to, he was so mean and horrible, but I wouldn't take it back that would be taking back my son and I would never do that, but I have no one but my brother and a 10 month old who probably doesn't even understand half the things I'm saying to him, an aunt who's never here, a dad who is a flight away, a sister who hates me and a mum who is another flight away." She suddenly stops by jasper pulling her into a tight embrace as she sobs into his shoulder. He saw the first tear fall down her cheek and couldn't take it her felt her emotions unravel as soon as she started talking fast, he calmed her and the sobs lighten and when she stops he let's go.

"Are you okay?" Jasper asks bending down to her petite frame to look her in the face.

"Yeah I'm okay now, sorry about that, I don't like getting like that I don't know what came over me" she says wiping a tear away with her finger and beams a bright smile up at jasper

"Let's get to the party" jasper says offering her and arm

"Let's" she says taking his arm as they walk back to the party

 Bella's Hatred (Twilight Breaking Dawn Fanficton)Where stories live. Discover now