-Chapter One-

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Percy Jackson.

Percy Jackson kissed his moms cheek before running out the house with a quick, "Bye mom! Be right back!"
With that Percy ran down the stairs leading to his apartment. He jogged down the street a bit before slowing. He was never a fan of running unless it was necessary. In his life it normally was.

He ducked around the corner into an alley taking a short cut to the ice cream parlor down the road. He was in the mood for some of the cool creamy desert. He smiled thinking of all the flavors. He needed a break from studying, and working. He deserved it.

He jumped over a puddle, only to land in another.

"Of course." He said looking down at his now wet converse sneakers.

Percy grumbled as he continued to the ice cream parlor. When the white, and blue roof of the building came into view his mood immediately brightened. He smiled as he jogged down the street, shimming past the people on the sidewalk.

When he entered the brightly painted door, a soft bell sound rang out.

"Hey! Percy!" The owner Julian said happy to see a familiar face. Percy smiled and waved at Julian. He comes here often enough that all the workers know him.

"Hey Jules. What's on the menu today?" Percy happily bounced up the counter, looking at the variety of flavors.

"We have superman, vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, Rocky-road, marshmallow truffle, cookies and cream, and your favorite blue cookie dough." Julian laughed at the last one.

Percy smiled widely, that was his favorite. Percy comes here so often they let him make an ice cream flavor. So Percy did the natural thing, he had them make blue cookie dough ice cream. It was an immediate success.

"You want that one don't you?" Julian laughed, because that's what Percy always got.

Percy shyly nodded, before adding "but can you throw in a scoop of superman in there?"

Julian nodded,"I don't see why not, here it's on the house. You are our favorite customer." Julian scooped two large scoops of ice cream and mashed them in a waffle bowl. That's another thing they had waffle bowls. They were the greatest thing.

"Jules, you don't have to do that." Percy sighed, this place was full of the sweetest people. Even the customers here were great, for some reason this place just had a soothingness to it.

"Sure I don't, but I want to. So I am." Julian added the superman to the blue cookie dough.

"Here ya go Perce." Julian handed him the bowl. Percy tried to hand Julian the five dollars for the ice cream.

"No, I ain't takin that, now go on. I told you it's on the house." Julian insisted. So Percy stuffed the money in the tip jar, and quickly ran out.

"Dam it! Percy!" Julian ran after him, Percy dash down the side walk escaping Julian easily. All Julian could do was watch the mop of messy raven hair be swallowed by the sea of people.

"Got you," Percy mumbled to himself, feeling accomplished with his actions, as he walked down the street trying to eat his ice cream.

He felt eyes drift to him, he scowled. He obviously stood out in a crowd. He was 6'0 foot teenager, with scars littering his arms, and his shirt, not to mention, was fluorescent orange with large black letters.
He didn't care, he was use to the stares. Percy shrugged and continued down the street, enjoying his ice cream.

An Unfortunate Crossing (Avengers/Percy Jackson Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now