-Chapter Five-

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Percy Jackson

Percy walked down the street for a second time, he wasn't really sure as to what he was getting into, but it seemed serious. He pulled the hood of his jacket farther of his head, and he gripped Riptide just a bit tighter.

How did that guy find my phone number? And what the hell is an Avenger? More importantly why do they need a tower? Are they some kind of business?

As he approached the building with the huge letter A on the side, which he assumed was the Avengers Tower, he began thinking about what this guy, and his friend named Steve wanted. Where they monsters that wanted to kill Percy? Or where they humans that had gotten ahold of Percy's long and detailed file? He really hope it was the first, because he did not need the police on his trail...again. As Percy stepped into the alley, he began paying high attention to his senses.

He notice an odd smell in the air, this may be New York and everything smells, but this was different it smelled as if something was burning. He notice some swift movement above his head, and he looked up. He saw the man in the metal suit, and Star-Spangled-Banner was back. 

Great these guys.

The star guy was holding onto the iron guy, as they both landed on the pavement in front of Percy. "Stand down, son, we aren't here to hurt you. We just have questions, and if you cooperate, we can leave peacefully. " Star man said calmly, as if he's done this a hundred times, which was something Percy understood having fought hundreds of battles himself.

"Who are you guys? I mean, the suits are great an all, but why?" Percy pulled his hands out of his pockets, and threw his hood back. He looked at both the men, very confused. (He assumed they were men, but the iron person could be a chick? Percy wasn't sure)

"We are the Avengers, I'm Iron-Man, and this Captain America." Metal suit spoke, and his voice told Percy it was the man on the phone from earlier.

"Who?" Percy asked raising an eyebrow, letting his hand rest on his hip, he wasn't sure who this guy thought he was, but his cocky attitude said it all.

"You've never heard of us? We've saved New York from an alien attack, and we also saved Sokovia? Come on everyone has heard of us!" Iron guy landed on the ground, and holding his hands out in confusion.

"Congrats, I've saved New York too! And the world...twice...but whos counting. Anyway, I have no idea who you are, but why don't you just tell what you want instead?" Percy shrugged and made a face, he probably shouldn't have been antagonizing these men. They seemed pretty powerful, but Percy wasn't in the mood t deal with these peoples bullshiz today.

Iron guy sputtered at Percy's resonse, but Captain whatshisface started speaking, "We just want to know what's up with you? You have quiet a track record for making trouble, and we would like to know what were you doing in Greece, and Rome with six-to-seven other teens." Captain asked as if it was no big deal, but to Percy this was huge. These guys were asking him to spill the beans about the Giant War, and couldn't tell, them they were mortals. 

"I had a very...disastrous childhood. I was on a school trip with my good friends, you know how us teens are! Always getting into trouble. Is that good? Can I go now? I'm gonna get yelled at by my girlfriend." Percy made a gesture and spun his arm as if his arm was caught in a sling. He looked at them both with a deadpan face as he said the last part, clearly showing his distaste for these questions.

"There is no record of you taking a trip to Rome, or Greece. Let alone be on a school trip, you had been missing for eight months before that. So nice try, how about the real answer now?" Iron guys suit made a high pitched noise as he raised his hand to point at Percy. It almost sounded as if something was charging up to shoot at him. Percy made a 'Are you for real' face, but Captain stepped in.

"Tony, that's not helping. Listen son, we have never seen someone that calm about almost being killed, and so easily escaping. You even escaped us, and we are the worlds greatest heroes. It just startles us that some seventeen year old kid can allude the Avengers. So please, cooperate with us, and we can all play nice. Its that right Tony?" Captain guy, gave Iron Tony a pointed look. I watched as they silently had a conversation with their eyes. 

"Okay, look, I don't know you guys. All I can tell you is that I work..I am apart of this secret group, and we protect the world. Now can I go?" Percy answered truthfully, and asked almost politely.

"Wrong answer. UNDEROOS!" Iron Tony yelled, and at that moment Percy knew he was going to have to fight his way out of this one. Two people dropped down from the building rooftop. It was a kid who looked about Percy's age maybe younger, and a man who held a bow and had blond hair.

"You lied! You said if I cooperated we could talk!" Percy yelled at Captain who looked angry, Percy didn't care. He told the truth, and now he had to fight off four people. Captain sputtered for a response, but he looked at Tony and began yelling at him. While spider guy and arrow man charged Percy, he quickly pulled Riptide from his pocket, uncapping it as he placed his footing. Arrow guy shot an arrow at him which Percy slice in the air.

"Whoa! He broke it!" Web guy yelled as he leaped from the ground and onto the wall, where he shot actual spider webs at Percy. Who caught them on the blade of his sword.

"Leave me alone!" Percy yelled as he continued to slice arrows, and catch webs.

"Sorry, kid, we have to take you in now. You should've just cooperated." Arrow guy said smoothly as he shot another arrow, this one was different the tip was bulkier, and held a blinking light.

"Son of a-" Percy yelled trying to run away, but the arrow blew up knocking him over. Riptide flew from his hands, he began trying to crawl away, but his ears were ringing. He saw Iron Tony began flying towards him, as well as Spider dude, and Arrow man. He saw the Captain guy protesting, as he yanked on Arrow guys arm and began yelling at him, which caused Spider dude to falter, but Iron Tony continued. Percy ignored the pain in his legs which he had landed oddly on, and onto the sensation of water. He closed his eyes, and began hunting for it. When he felt the sewer water that was flowing underneath him, he shoot both hands in the air. The water exploded out of the sewer, and began circling the so called Avengers. They froze, and looked in shock as the dirt water made impossible for them to get out. A dome enclosed them, completely trapping them.

Percy painfully pushed himself to his feet, and began to limp away. He could feel where his leg was busted open, his lip and eyebrow also were bleeding. He clutched his stomach, as he tried to get as far as possible before he grew to weak to keep the water cage up. Just as he was about to exit the alley, another person showed up. It was a woman, in a leather leotard, her fiery red hair cut around her ears. "Excuse me," Percy tried to duck his head and leave, but the woman caught his arm. 

"Sorry kid," She made a sad expression, before she punched Percy in the head...hard. With that Percy fell immediately unconscious.

Hello!!! I am happy to update finally, I apologize for it being so late. Now I hope you enjoyed that, and I will try to update within the next two weeks, and i'll see you guys in the next chapter.


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