-Chapter Thirteen-

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Percy Jackson

Percy sat back in his chair as he answered different questions, finally after three hours, Peter and Nico were both asleep in their chairs. Bucky was laying, asleep, on Steve's shoulder while Steve himself was half asleep as he leaned on his elbows. All while Tony was still rapidly asking questions, finally Percy was so exhausted he could barely answer.

"Look, man, we're all exhausted. I have no problem asnwering your questions, but I need some sleep dude. We all do." Percy looked up at Tony with droopy eyes, he could barey keep his eyes open. 

"I guess it is late, maybe we all should get some sleep before we regroup tomorrow." Tony began to sit back, when Bucky flew up and began yelling with his hands up.

"Finally! Thank God! I thought i was going to have to drag you away, Stark. Because Holy shit can you talk!" Bucky loudly swore waking everyone else in the room up, Tony looked up flabbergasted at Bucky. Bucky shoved Steve out of his seat, and made him walk up the stairs. Steve groaned loudly, and was also complaining about being woken up, but Bucky's booming rant was still going. Once the two grumpy super soldier had left the room, Tony looked back to the teenagers left.

"Alright, Peter knows where the extra rooms are, he can show you there. Tomorrow we will finish our talk, and decide from there." Tony said stiffly before he walked our of the room. Peter loudly yawned, as he waved for them to follow him. After many twist and turns they had finally reached a hallway. The doors were quiet plan, except a single door that had webs and red and blue decorations covering it. 

"Alright these three rooms are for you guess, decide amongst yourselves who gets what room. Come get me if you need anything. Let me grab you guys some clothes to sleep in" Peter  yawned again before he slipped into his room. When he returned he handed out some clothes before he wordlessly slipping back into the room. Percy looked at Annabeth and Nico. With a small nod Nico walked into the room directly beside Peter's and closed the door behind him. Percy looked to Annabeth, and smiled. She tiredly smiled back, before she slipped her hand in his and pulled him into one of the rooms. 

They both silently changed into the softer clothes, and slipped into the bed. Annabeth tucked her head under Percy's chin, and mumbled a goodnight. He kissed her head and wrapped his arms around her. 

The next mourning everyone woke up to the sound of a loud booming voice. With a dissatisfied groan, Percy and Annabeth slipped out of bed and went to see what was happening. As they shuffled out of the door, they were met with a bed-head Nico, and a half-asleep Peter. The four crept down the hall way into the common room where they were met with the team all saying hello to a man with short blond hair and  a extremely loud voice. It was Nico who finally spoke up, alerting the Avengers that they had, in fact, been standing there.  

"Hey, blondie! Some of us don't get up at ass-crack of dawn! Some of us prefer sleep! So if you could kindly keep your big mouth shut, it would be much appreciated!" Nico yelled at the tall blond, all eyes drifted to a fuming Nico. The blond glanced at the four teens standing in the hall, all looking bed-ragged  and sleepy. 

A wide smile spread across the big guys face, as he looked down specifically at the three demigods. "By Odin's beard, it can not be? Three Greek demigods? and not just any demigods. Why its Percy Jackson!" Percy notably flinched as the guy screamed his name. Nico angrily looked back and forth at Percy and the man.

"So that means your Thor, right? Norse god of thunder and all that jazz? That's swell and all but I am TRYING TO SLEEP! GOODNIGHT!" Nico yelled, before he spun around and stormed back down the hall. Annabeth sidestepped Nico, letting him pass before she looked up at Thor.

"I recognize that anger, that was Nico di Angelo, son of Hades. He is quite the angry little-guy huh?" Thor asked, but it was hard to tell who he was asking. After he stared at the hall where Nico had left, his blue eyes landed on Annabeth. Percy leaned closer, not completely understanding who this guy was. "Why Annabeth Chase, I haven't seen you since you redesigned Olympus! What an amazing feat that was!" Thor shouted, Tony and the others looked confused.

"Um...Thor? How do you know these guys?" Steve asked as Thor turned to look at them.

"Do you not know? These kids have saved the world more times than we have! Its quite the show actually, oh, and Percy it was truly brave of you to fall in Tartarus with Annabeth. I was shocked to hear, and even more so to hear that you both survived! Truly a hero the two of you are! What brings you to the Avenger tower?" Thor asked basically ignoring the question he was asked. Percy was really sure what to say when Tony finally spoke up. 

"I thought he was a criminal, and I had to check up on it. But now that you are even confirming that this guy is, in fact, a...demigod? Just proves that he was telling the truth." Tony shrugged as he continued to lay across the couch. Thor looked baffled at Tony's words. Percy took this moment, to catch Peter and Annabeth's hands and pull them back down the hall. 

"Percy, what are you doing?" Peter asked, Percy only smiled as he spoke.

"You are going to give us a tour of this place. Did you really think I would not care about exploring this huge tower?" Annabeth looked equally excited, which only made this idea even better.

Hello all, I finally updated. Sorry it took so long. I would just like to say i appreciate every comment i get! They make my day! Anyway that's all for now see ya guys in the next chapter, 


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