-Chapter Three-

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Percy POV.

Percy woke up, yawning loudly. He rolled out of bed, and stumbled out into the kitchen where his mom was bouncing his little sister as she finished dinner.

Percy immediately felt bad, so he rushed over and took his sister from his mom, "Mom, you should have woke me up. I could have helped you with her." Percy held his sister as his mom gave him a deadpan look.

"Percy, I've raised a kid before, I know what I'm doing. I can handle it, and besides you need a break with how are you've been working. Especially with school and all those quest the gods insist on sending you on. You deserve some rest." Sally tried to reassure Percy, but it was like talking to a brick wall. It went in one ear and out the other.

"I don't care, Mom. I should be helping more." Percy carried his sister into the living room, and laid her on the play-mat. She instantly locked eyes with all the bright colors of the mats toys that hung around her head. She began cooing, and grabbing at the things but her fat baby hands just couldn't quite grab it.

Percy giggled as he watched his sisters struggle. She was adorable and he would do anything for her. Even if it meant dying. He was so happy his mom, and Paul decided to have a baby. It was surprise for Percy mostly. His mom was always so stressed with his quest, his demigod duties, just Percy in general. So imagine how excited he was when she finally got to have a normal kid. One that won't ruin everything they touch, or constantly attract monsters.

Percy sighed, stood up, only to plop down on the couch. He caught sight of his reflection in one of the mirrors around their house, only to see his hair was a frightful mess, but then again when was is it not?

He lazily tried to flatten his hair as best as he could, before watching his sister play. He wished he would be able to have a normal life as she would. He pushed the thoughts away, and focused on watching his sister.

Ten minutes later, Sally finished dinner, and Paul got home. The four of them sat at the table enjoying dinner, before Percy decided he should probably work on his homework a bit.

"Hey mom, do you mind if I go do a bit of homework? I also may go on a walk to work out some fidgets." Percy took his plate to the sink, and washed it.

"Sure, honey. Be careful." Sally was feeding the baby, with Paul's help.

"Always mom." Percy went to his room, and began pulling out his books, and papers. He heard his phone go off in his pocket. He sighed pulling it out to see that it was Annabeth. Immediately all attention switched to Annabeth.

He opened the text to see:

Hey seaweed brain, how are you?

He smiled, as was about to reply when his phone began ringing with an unknown number. Percy scowled, slowly answering it.

"Hello?" He answered slowly, confused how anyone could have his number. His phone was specifically designed that only people had the number could even call it. (Leo made sure of that. He was quite the genius with mechanics. [don't you dare tell him I said that] ) Percy waited for answer, but heard nothing.

"Hello? I'm gonna hang up now?" Percy slowly began to start to hang up the phone.

"Oh my god, STEVE IT WORKED!!" Percy had to hold the phone away from his ear.

"Um, who is this? How did you even get this number?" Percy asked the mysterious person.

"Is this Perseus Jackson?" The person asked, Percy gasped, and stiffened.

"Who are you? How do you know my name?" Percy's voice came out a growl, this person or thing should not have this number.

"Meet me, and my associate in the alley beside the Avengers building." The voice said before hanging up. Leaving Percy utterly confused.

"What the hades?"

Tony's POV.

How can someone even have a phone number like that? It's impossible!

Tony's fingers were flying across the keyboard, alternating to his hologram boards. He was doing some serious research trying to find everything and anything on this Perseus kid. He was about eighteen, lived with his mother, and stepfather. His birth father was missing. His mother just recently had a baby girl. Perseus was constantly seen with this Annabeth Chase girl. Tony assumed they were dating from all he saw about them. He spends his summers at this camp that looked lame to Tony.

Yet the hardest thing was cracking his cellphone number. That should have been the easiest for Tony, who ever hid his number did an excellent job. Tony would love to meet this person, they seemed to get what Tony was all about.

"STEVE! I GOT HIM! HES GONNA MEET US IN THE ALLEY NEXT TO THE BUILDING!" Tony yelled as loud as he could. He heard Steve yell out an okay.

"Tony must we always yell?" Clint asked walking in, he sat on top of the table.

"Must you always have no manners?" Tony snapped, as he continued trying to hack what this damn summer camp was all about. All he could see was they supplied many places in New York with their Delphi strawberries.

Which made no sense to Tony because Delphi was a prophecy spewing lady from ancient mythology. Greek to be exact.

Why would a camp have a things named after Greek mythological creatures and characters? It made zip sense to Tony.

"Well why are you in such a bad mood?" Clint slid off the table and looked through Tony's notes and searches.

"This kid. His name is Perseus Jackson, and he gave me and Stevo the slip the other day. He manage to run away from us on foot. On foot, Clint. It's impossible, I've done the obvious thing and hacked any website possible searching for answers." Tony shrugged continuing to click about.

"So what do you plan to do with him?" Clint asked sitting on Tony's desk playing with some of the knock knacks on it.

"Ask him nicely, then if it goes south then unnicely bring him in for questioning. This kid's strange, Clint, so we have to know if he's safe for the public or if he's a danger to society." Tony snatched things out of Clint's hands.

"I'll help, I'll be your eyes in the sky." Clint glared as Tony took the things from his hands.

"Sounds like a plan, only problem is can we get star spangled to agree to maybe kidnapping a kid." Tony sighed, as he began reading an article about something the kid did, it was about him jumping out if the St. Louis Arch.

"That's true. I guess we should talk to him." Clint sighed.

"Yeah, I'll get him... STEVE!"

Whoop whoop chapter three done. Next chapter coming soon.

Love ya guys
Bye bye

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