-Chapter Two-

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Steve Rogers.

Steve sat down heavily in the black rolling chair. He sighed deeply, rubbing his temples.

"How did that kid get away?" Tony sat down next to Steve, his suit was now off, and he was in a black long sleeve shirt, and jeans.

"I don't know." Steve sighed, he was more confused, than angry.
How on earth did that kid out run them? He couldn't have been more than eighteen.

"Where did he go, it was like he disappeared into thin air!" Tony yelled frustrated.

"I don't know, Tony." Steve sighed in exasperation. The kid they just chased, did a perfect judo flip, and did the perfect procedure to get the knife from him.

"How did he even flip that guy! He was like what? Seventeen?!" Tony yelled throwing his hands in the air,

"Tony would you please stop complaining and go play with your toys!" Steve yelled, having enough of Tony's insufferable whining.
Tony glared at him for a moment, before he took a deep inhale of breath. He then sprinted out of the room, well more like walked very very quickly, because of his "no running" policy.

Steve sat there glad he finally had a moment of quiet, he rubbed his fingers against his temples. He didn't understand how on earth that kid got away. He obviously knew how to fight, and he was strong. He looked so annoyed at the guy, not scared like another other person, he looked annoyed. He had no fear, even when the guy pressed the knife down harder, all that did was seem to piss him off more. He obviously wasn't scared at all.

Steve couldn't figure it out, and it was driving him mad. That's when Tony came busting in, a hard drive in hand, he walked straight up to the big screen in front of us. He plugged the drive in, and he scrambled with some things that Steve didn't understand.

Soon he had a video pulled up, and he whirled around to Steve. He had that wild crazed look in his eyes, that Steve didn't like one bit. He decided to give him the time of day, and let him at least try to explain what the heck he was doing.

"So you know my suits?" Tony asked, his voice full of excitement. His face had this look like he knew he was the best.

Steve only rolled his eyes, and answered, " Of course I know your suits!" He then waited for Tony to explain himself.

Tony also rolled his eyes at Steve's sass, "Well about three months ago I install full range cameras." He waited for Steve to get what he was saying. Steve sat there clueless to what the hell Tony was on about.
Tony groaned, before shouting," THAT MEANS I GOT THAT KID ON VIDEO!" Tony shouted pointing spastically at the video behind him. He looked wilded at Steve.

Steve slowly felt himself get excited, he then turned to the screen, before looking back at Tony. "WELL!? PLAY THE VIDEO!" Steve yelled at Tony, who fumbled with the remote before clicking play.

The video began when they first started chasing the criminal, tiny fast forward to the part where the man grabbed the boy hostage. The boy looked surprised, but not scared. They paused the video.

They had a perfect picture of the boy. His eyes were a brilliant sea green, while his hair was a tasseled mess of raven locks. His skin was tan, his muscles were very toned, but not  bulging.
Tony slowly looked over at Steve, who was staring at the boy.

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