V - Paper Faces On Parade

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    Emma's Point of View

    A gauze half concealed the tableau of guests at the opera ball. The guests were all in fancy dress, in costumes so ornate it made you stare. I could already see a peacock, a lion, a dragon, Pharoah Mephistopheles, a highwayman, a clown, knights, ladies, and an executioner. I was dressed as a princess, and Joshua was a prince.

I spotted Monsieur Sitkowski, who was dressed as a skeleton in an opera cape. Almost immediately after, I saw Monsieur Olson, who was also dressed as a skeleton in an opera cape. The two skeletons saw each other and approached each other nervously. I giggled, watching in fascination.

"Monsieur Olson?" Ryan asked, and Richard replied, startled. "Monsieur Sitkowski?" Each raised their mask to the other. They recognised each other with a grin, and I walked over to them, not wanting to miss the manager's conversation. "Dear Ryan, what a splendid party!" Richard laughed, and agreed. "The prologue to a bright new year! Quite a night! I'm surprised!" He said, and Ryan sighed, rolling his eyes. "Well, one does one's best." Then they raised their glasses, clinking them merrily. "Here's to us!" They said, and drank.

"I must say, all the same," Richard chortled, "That it's a shame that 'Phantom' fellow isn't here!" and Ryan chuckled as my heart twinged strangely. A bright tune struck up from the small orchestra, and everyone, knowing the words, began to sing.

"Masquerade! Paper faces on parade. Masquerade! Hide your face, so the world will never find you! Masquerade! Every face a different shade. Masquerade! Look around -there's another mask behind you! Flash of mauve. Splash of puce. Fool and king. Ghoul and goose. Green and black. Queen and priest. Trace of rouge. Face of beast. Faces. Take your turn, take a ride on the merry-go-round. In an inhuman race. Eye of gold. Thigh of blue. True is false. Who is who? Curl of lip. Swirl of gown. Ace of hearts. Face of clown. Faces. Drink it in, drink it up, till you've drowned in the light. In the sound!"

I raised my voice, as did Joshua, who had arrived next to me. "But who can name the face?"

We joined in with everyone else, singing, "Masquerade! Grinning yellows, spinning reds. Masquerade! Take your fill - let the spectacle astound you! Masquerade! Burning glances, turning heads. Masquerade! Stop and stare at the sea of smiles around you! Masquerade! Seething shadows breathing lies. Masquerade! You can fool any friend who ever knew you! Masquerade! Leering satyrs, peering eyes. Masquerade! Run and hide -but a face will still pursue you!"

    Unfortunately, as Joshua grasped my hand, I saw Richard, Ryan, Carlotta, and Piangi join us, along with my dear Meg and Madame Giry.

"What a night!" M. Giry said, her black gown shimmering, as Meg exclaimed, her clown outfit adorable. "What a crowd!" She crowed, "Makes you glad, and makes you proud!" Ryan smiled, raising his glass again. "All the creme de la creme, watching them is a joy!" He said, and I nodded, smiling up at Joshua. "And all our fears are in the past, six months of relief!" Carlotta chimed in, and everyone nodded except me. "Of delight and Elysian peace!" Piangi agreed, but I rather missed my Angel of Music, to tell the truth. I missed him a lot.

     "We can breathe at last! No more notes, no more ghost." Joshua said, and I managed half a smile. Giry raised her glass for another toast. "Here's a toast to health and a prosperous season! And most importantly to our new chandelier!" She said, and everyone cheered. "May it's splendor never fade." I said, trying to keep the melancholy out of my voice.

"Six months, what a blessed release, a joy and a change." Joshua said, squeezing my hand. Ryan was rather intoxicated by now, and cheered loudly. "And what a masquerade!"

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