I ~ The Opera Ghost Welcomes You

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Emma's Point of View

I laced the ribbons of my pointe shoes as my friend and Prima Ballerina Meg Giry clasped my costume's bodice for me.

"How are you liking the Opera Populaire so far, Em?" she asked.

"I like it just fine. I just wish Carlotta were nicer to people." I replied, finishing with my ribbons and headpiece.

"Doesn't everyone?" Meg grinned, standing up and straightening her ribbon skirt, exactly like mine. "Now, off to rehearsal."

We walked down the hall, headed to the stage. Carlotta was just finishing her solo beginning of Hannibal with the fake severed head. We took our positions, ballet running onstage with the corps, and beginning our dance.

During his solo, lead tenor Piangi was interrupted by the director about his pronunciation of the word "Rome." He restarted and continued, and the ballerinas began our solo with the lead male dancer.

Carlotta and Piangi began singing again, joined by the rest of the ensamble, finishing the end choreography and music in our poses.

The director was in the middle of telling us to do it all again, when we were interrupted by the voice of our Opera owner.

"...As you can see, gentleman, rehearsals are under way for the production of Chalimeau's "Hannibal". Ladies and gentlemen...ehh, laides and gentlemen please, Madame Giry!" He cried, trying to get everyone's attention.

The menacing ballet mistress dressed all in black, her hair a braided crown, slammed her cane down on the floor once, and everyone quickly fell silent under her severe and quiet gaze.

"...Thank you. May I have your attention please? As you know, for some weeks there have been rumors of my imminent retirement," The owner continued. "I can tell you that these are all true, and it is now my pleasure to introduce you to the two gentlemen who now own the Opera Populaire, Monsueir Richard Olson and Monsuier Ryan Sitkowski." He said, clapping with everyone.

Two men came in, dressed in fine coats and hats, carrying high quality canes. They both had shoulder length black hair, and light black eye makeup. Ryan was quite taller than Richard, and they grinned, waving modestly to all of us.

"Gentlemen, Senora Carlotta Guidicelli, our leading soprano for 19 seasons running." he said, motioning to a haughtily grinning Carlotta.

"Of course, of course, I have experienced all your greatest roles, Senora," Ryan said, kissing Carlotta's hand, who smirked.

"And Senor Ubaldo Piangi, our lead tenor."

"If I remember right, Alyssia has a rather fine aria, in act III of Hannibal, Senora, as a personal favor, would you oblige us in a private rendition?" Richard said with a grin.

Carlotta smiled, and said, "Oh, no, but my manager insists. Very well." Someone handed her a colorful scarf, and she got into her position, everyone quieting. The piano started, and she began to sing.

"Think of me, think of me fondly, When we've said goodbye, Remember me, Every so often, Please promis me you'll try, When you'll find, That once again you long, To take your heart back and be free, If you'll ever find a moment, Spare a thought for me--"

She was cut off by a sandbag falling to the stage and splitting open, and a backdrop plummeting from the rafters. The cast and dancers began to scream and run about, and out of the chaos, Meg shouted,

"He's here! The Phantom of the Opera!"

"Oh! You foolish little girl!" Ryan scoffed at her, Richard scowling.

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