XI - Don Juan Triumphant

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The final scene of Don Juan Triumphant was set on the stage, and I was jittery. So far, my angel had not made an appearance, and I hoped for all I was worth that he knew I was trying my hardest to sing the role he had written just for me, Aminta, just like he'd hoped.

The chorus began to sing, their notes echoing through the Opera House. "Here the sire may serve the dam, here the master takes his meat! Here the sacrificial lamb utters one despairing bleat! Poor young maiden! For the thrill on your tongue of stolen sweets you will have to pay the bill -tangled in the winding sheets! Serve the meal and serve the maid! Serve the master so that, when tables, plans and maids are laid, Don Juan triumphs once again!"

Piangi, as Don Juan, emerged from behind an arch. Meg, a gypsy dancer, pirouetted flirtatiously in front of him, and he threw her a purse. She caught it and left with a wink. Another tenor, playing the role of Passarino, was called on by Piangi. "Passarino, faithful friend, once again recite the plan." He said, and Passarino stood.

"Your young guest believes I'm you - I, the master, you, the man." He sang, and Don Juan grinned. "When you met you wore my cloak, with my scarf you hid your face. She believes she dines with me, in her master's borrowed place! Furtively, we'll scoff and quaff, stealing what, in truth, is mine. When it's late and modesty starts to mellow, with the wine." He said, and I shivered in the wings.

"You come home! I use your voice - slam the door like crack of doom!" Passarino sang, and Piangi smiled. "I shall say: "come - hide with me! Where, oh, where? Of course - my room!" Passarino laughed. "Poor thing hasn't got a chance!"

Passarino handed him the cloak, sword, and hat, singing, "Here's my hat, my cloak and sword. Conquest is assured, if I do not forget myself and laugh. Ha. HA!" He put on the hat, cloak, and sword, and went into the curtained alcove where he was hidden from view. I could have sworn I heard a choking sound, but I assured myself it was nothing. Time to go on.

I sang the high, lilting notes as I smiled big, sashaying onto the stage in a carefree manner. "No thoughts within her head, but thoughts of joy! No dreams within her heart but dreams of love!" Passarino called to Don Juan, saying "Master?" The voice came, saying "Passarino - go away! For the trap is set and waits for its prey." Passarino left just as I entered fully. I took off my cloak and sat at the table, looking about me.

I started to eat an apple, just as Don Juan entered. His first words startled me badly, that voice was not Piangi's. "You have come here in pursuit of your deepest urge, in pursuit of that wish, which till now has been silent, silent. I have brought you, that our passions may fuse and merge - in your mind you've already succumbed to me dropped all defences completely succumbed to me - now you are here with me: no second thoughts, you've decided, decided. Past the point of no return - no backward glances: the games we've played till now are at an end.

"Past all thought of "if" or "when" - no use resisting: abandon thought, and let the dream descend. What raging fire shall flood the soul? What rich desire unlocks its door? What sweet seduction lies before us? Past the point of no return, the final threshold - what warm, unspoken secrets will we learn? Beyond the point of no return." He sang, and I recognized my velvet angel's voice. Oh dear.

I began to sing my part, the notes high and lamenting. "You have brought me to that moment where words run dry, to that moment where speech disappears into silence, silence. I have come here, hardly knowing the reason why. In my mind, I've already imagined our bodies entwining defenceless and silent -and now I am here with you: no second thoughts, I've decided, decided.

"Past the point of no return -no going back now: our passion-play has now, at last, begun. Past all thought of right or wrong -one final question: how long should we two wait, before we're one? When will the blood begin to race the sleeping bud burst into bloom? When will the flames, at last, consume us?"

He came and drew me to my feet, pressing my back against his chest. Yes, this was not Piangi. This was the Phantom, singing the role of Don Juan. His muscles tensed against my back, sending a jolt through me. He dragged his hands up my sides, settling one on my jaw and one on my hip, entwining me like a snake.

We sang together, the music swelling. "Past the point of no return the final threshold -the bridge is crossed, so stand and watch it burn. We've passed the point of no return."

The final confirmation of this was when he sang directly to me, with familiar words. "Say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime. Lead me, save me from my solitude. Say you want me with you, here beside you. Anywhere you go let me go too..." He took a ring from his finger and held it out to me, and I took it with a strange calm. "Emma, that's all I ask of you!"

As the police closed in on the stage, I tore off his mask, and revealed the painful looking skin underneath. He swept his cloak around me, pulling me close to his chest, a falling feeling singing through my body as I was pulled down into darkness.


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