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The first thing we must establish is who this story revolves around. In a city holding so many people and so many stories, how can you possibly determine who values over another in terms of character?

And how do pieces fit together to create a story filled with their own intertwining tales?

Enter life one and life two.

Naturally, these people are like any other - but as most stories go, there is more complexity to them than that. They have different family, friends, careers, backgrounds, and personalities to the ones you may have.

Enter life three and life four.

They pass each other in the street, but still consider themselves the protagonist of their stories. But if their lives were to be published, they wouldn't be much different - the both of them are more mundane then they believe.

Enter lives five to seven billion.

These people are plagued by the disease of everyday life - wandering through what they are ordered to do by those who believe themselves to be the more important characters in the world. And they continue to do this constantly, still wondering why nothing exciting is happening to them...

This story, of course, is not biased towards those with the higher power. Because it is about everyone. Everyone in a mysterious city that plays with what people truly can and cannot do.

Believe me when I tell you that as a citizen myself, I had no idea what was about to happen just around the corner. Who was I? That does not matter - but I will allow you the hint that I play a part in this story - it's up to you to decide which one.

Everyone in this town do not have a name.

And they do not know their own stories.

But of course, this is just the prologue - an overture to an immense chain of events...

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