33 - Codes

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Holding their breath, Gadolin and Donnamira stared for longer than expected. Their eyelids began to burn from the moment of paralysis, and slowly indeed, the Ace of Hearts took a step forward. It was followed by another, and then another, and suddenly, Donnamira was pacing around the endless room in search for her code - subject CY8.

As the Ace of Spades and the Ace of Hearts had stood still, Tyche had already made his way around the maze of pedestals to find his subject code. EA, EB, EC....Eventually he stumbled across the letters EK, where they were numbered from one to nine.

EK1, EK2, EK3, EK4, EK5, EK.....6.

Tyche's code.

With caution, he gingerly stepped forward before the pedestal which displayed his code. He breathed in and closed his eyes, taking in the last moment in which he would know himself as Tyche Lafayette. After he had stopped himself shaking, he decided at last minute whether he wanted to know the truth after all. Before he could delve deeper into the question, his eyes snapped open, and he speedily began to read the truth about who he was...

It took Ray the longest while to reach his code. It was the very thing that Cermentia Grates had named him on the day he awoke. Ray caught himself crying too late, for he was already tearing up by the time he noticed it. Lost and alone in this void of numbers and letters forced him to ponder over his short time within this city. So much had happened in the space of a month. His emotions were mixed - split on guilt and relief.

Shame scolded him, yelling at him in his brain and pressing why he had ever chosen to kill during the revolution. All those lives lost at his hands could have been within this chasm, discovering their truths at that very moment. But they couldn't. And it was all because of him.

Even though this room was cold, dark, lonesome and untouched - it didn't dispirit him, as the tears he cried mostly came out of a tender kind of joy. A lesson he learned within the endless room was that he had finally overcome grief. The thoughts of Tina only became a passing memory. He enjoyed repeating the good memories in his head. It had taken weeks to recover, and though he was feeling better, the bad memories would still tediously haunt him forever.

He smiled through the tears. If he would have died - if Rhine, the Ace of Spades, would not have given him back his regeneration ability - then Ray would not have been walking down these isles, about to uncover his memories. He owed Rhine his life. It was unfortunate for him that he was unable to make it through the battles.

After ten or more minutes of these thoughts, Ray found himself at a row full of the code letters 'LQ'. He walked across to the eighth pillar and found his photo, illuminated so brightly that it took a while for his eyes to adjust. Ray squinted, eager to discover everything he had forgotten about two hundred years ago. The entire concept was surreal. In his head, he read the basic information on his profile. He beamed as he did so, still adjusting to the fact that this was the young man he used to be. He covered his mouth and chuckled like an excited school child, his world brightening up, even if it came in the form of a small blue screen.

'LQ8 - Ray'

Only his name and ability had been recorded from this world. The rest was left up to his background.

'Name: Matthew Whitehall
Sex: Male
Age: 17
Origin: Devon, England
Date of Birth: 23rd December
Occupation: Student
Ability Records: Regeneration'

Ray continued to laugh. Today was his birthday.

He tapped on the holographic screen and swiped left. More information beheld. He was educated at a Sixth Form, studying English Literature, Graphic Design, and Physics. His parents were named Anthony and Charlotte Whitehall. He had a younger sister, called Daisy. In fact, his entire family tree was displayed to him. Dating not too far back, he was met with English and Norwegian roots. His house was Number 11 Janesby Crescent. He was diagnosed with Somnesia just two weeks before his treatment - on the 16th of July.

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