9 - The Translator

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Swiftly, Cherie picked up another glass that she carried between her fingers. The loud crowds had built up the atmosphere of Miretti's restaurant that night, and she naturally included herself for the customers' entertainment.

New people, as well as some people she already knew, all laughed and conversed and chanted and sang at her very presence, making it one of the best nights she had ever had. She didn't need alcohol to get drunk from this kind of happiness.

Every story and joke were released into the gorgeous-smelling air, every person in a close, tight bond, speaking to one another from separate tables. Under the familiar golden lights of the interior, it was by far an excellent scene to be a part of.

"Cherie!" Mickey yelled from the kitchen. "I can't keep up with this! Get back to work and stop fooling around!"
Cherie laughed delightfully as she walked a short distance towards him.
"Just having a friendly conversation." She handed Mickey a list of orders from those customers-turned-friends for the night. "Here you are, sir."
"You are actually unbelievable."

Customers' friendship never lasted long, but it was still wonderful to know so many people and so many stories behind them. In the end, Cherie was mostly after some fun, as well as plenty of tips from the people she met.

Entering the crowded building was a middle-aged woman and a teenage girl, both of which knew this area well. Cherie knew exactly who the older woman was, of course; she was infamous to the south area of the city.

Donnamira Klaus - the ringleader to the city's greatest protests. Knowing her personally, Cherie found it harder to depict her as a rebellious leader other than the positive, down-to-Earth woman that she was. Even so, she called her as such in her mind, in awe of her dignity.

"Donnamira." Cherie gasped happily. "What can I do for you?"


-Four hours earlier-

Sweating nervously and cracking a false smile, Ray awaited for the cashier to finally be finished with his purchases. It seemed to take such a long time.

A scarf, a notebook, six tins of tomato soup, some shampoo, and the third language dictionary he had bought that week. Along with a pair of women's shoes, it was incredibly hard not to feel like the cashier knew something. The same cashier had been there yesterday when Ray had bought a blanket, a hairbrush and yet another three tins of tomato soup. She chose not to question it before, which Ray had been glad about.

"So what's with the obsessions about Ukraine and tomato soup?" She casually remarked, making Ray not feel so glad anymore. He never wanted to explain because he had never come up with an excuse.

His wide eyes glanced away from embarrassment.
"I am a...language student," He began, "at college. Because of studying, I never really have time to cook real meals, y'kn..." His voice became an abyss of mumbling before quietening to mute.

Stood in the queue behind Ray, Donnamira found this a good opportunity to use her ability, even if it was for her own entertainment. Translation - understanding every single language though she had never studied them.

Using the ability and knowing that no one but herself would understand the language, she spoke a fluent Ukrainian sentence to Ray, chuckling to herself.
"Ty pohanyy brekhun!"

Not expecting this interaction, Ray nodded his head and smiled at the woman, pretending to understand what she had just said.

But the advance struck something in his mind which he refused to shake off, and as soon as Donnamira left the shop, he asked her to do something very important for him...


Donnamira looked directly into Cherie's eyes and the words escaped her lips in all seriousness.
"You have to help me save a prisoner."

Stepping back in shock, Cherie had nothing to say. Taking a deep breath, she grabbed her arm and told her to talk about it in the house. Following after was Bree, wrapped in a crimson coat and clutching the wanted poster of Tina Petrenko.

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