12 - Secrets and Cluelessness

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Cermentia spent another night in her office, waking up to find the much-too-familiar room like a home.

The crimson sofa she slept on proved to be a good enough bed for the last three nights. She had even moved in a rack of clothes and a desk of essentials to keep working every day without the disruption of leaving.

Every day the routine was to wake up, get ready, sit at the desk and work. Her fellow councillors were clearly growing worried of the amount of work she was doing, but she ignored the comments.

She was still the same person - mature, omniscient; as cool as the winter outside. The only thing that had changed was that she had not been outside her office in three days. She kept herself to herself, for she had a secret in her mind that hung above her, and only now a plan was hatching that would give her the upper hand with it.

It was a secret that she had; her family had; and it was held outside of the city. In fact, the very secret in question dated back exactly two hundred and five years ago.

The Grates family bloodline truly was all-knowing of what happened to everyone's past, present and future.


Rhine left the hospital that morning, his head still aching. He still did not know how his head was hit with such force - he still did not know that his own ally, Gadolin, had tried to kill him.


Tina watched Ray as he was being told how to pronounce certain words. Donnamira kneeled on the carpet, repeating the same Ukrainian words over and over again until he got it right.  Cherie did not particularly know what she was doing there, but she figured it was for moral support as a Card member. Her and Tina shared awkward glances as the teachings went on.

Ray did not know who Tina really was - but everyone else in the room did. It saddened Tina to think that, but it was the best way to secure herself, no matter how comfortable they had become around each other.


Bree grimaced as a pair of handcuffs were placed behind her back. Right outside a college was never the best place to be arrested, yet there she was, being forced into a car and taken away by the orders of the Mayor.

Even Cermentia did not know what awaited Bree and New Orbis, but if one thing was certain, it was that everything would all click together very soon.

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