22 - The Promised Day

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21st December, 0005.

"Lee...Lee don't go, please!"

Alexa Barnabus tugged onto her husband's arm desperately, trying to drag him back. He was not phased physically, still taking steps towards the door with hesitation. However, emotionally, he felt the same way about this situation.

"I don't have a choice." Lee Barnabus' eyebrows lowered and his eyes closed, letting go of a rare tear. His clenched fist was noticeably shaking in Alexa's grip. "I have to go, Lex," his teeth gritted as his voice began to crack, "I'll be back for you and Jack, I promise."

Alexa pulled him back, hugging him tight from behind with one arm, holding their son in the other. Trying to retain a neutral expression, he turned around and wiped her tears. His lip quivered at the constant thought that attacked him - he may never see his wife or child again.

The revolution outside was waiting for him. It was his duty to protect the city. But there was a cost that someone would have to pay. For his son's sake, it was not going to be him who paid the price of his life.

He kissed Alexa on her forehead as he usually did before going to work on a normal day. As his dark lips separated from her dusky skin, he stared at little Jack Barnabus, fast asleep in his mother's forearm.

Lee noted every inch of him, familiarising his beautifully chubby face to his tiny legs one last time. His huge dark eyes were shut, which somehow made Lee glad. Jack's hair had grown rapidly to be just like his mother's - gorgeously curly and inky. His small feet wriggled in his white-and-blue striped baby-grow - a habit that Lee had come to recognise when Jack was sleeping.

"Hey," he forced a smile, "it'll be over before you know it. I give it half a day. But listen - promise me you'll stay inside with Jack. It's not going to be safe out there."

Alexa nodded weakly and followed him as he slowly continued to the door. The outside world was still pitch black in the early hours of the morning; the clouds were covering the stars, giving a feeling of unpredictability for what was next to come.

Barnabus heard his wife cry, but he refused to look back at her one last time. He did not want the last sight of her to be an upsetting one. But as he had promised her and their son - he would stay alive whatever it took.

As he exited from the door, he noticed that his hand was still holding his wife's. He paused his movement, and ever so reluctantly... he let go.

Leaving his house, he wiped his brimming eyes and sighed, composing himself.

Inside the house, Alexa shut the door and sobbed, clutching on to Jack for comfort. As she slid down the door, she prayed that her loving husband would return home to her.


Ursa Kirralain had hardly been able to sleep with the questions the day brought. Every move was known, every detail from opposing team seen to. Not even a hint of fear came into the vision of her; her face was just a blank sheet of concentration as she focused on her revolver.

Clicking all of the bullets in place, Ursa added the gun to her collection of five wrapped around her bulletproof waist. She picked up and handled the sixth.

The entirety of the police force had their blood in her hands, though she did not feel phased by this fact. There would undoubtedly be deaths and injuries - some possibly from her own commands - but the one thing she truly cared about was winning the fight, even if there were millions of sacrifices.

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