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~*~ Kade ~*~
The door closes behind me after I walked in, I rubbed my arm right over a bruise, flinching, something the man didn’t fail to notice. “They got you bad?” He chuckles.
“I’m in the finals of the fights,” I say deadpan, “You can’t assume that it was the Devil’s Blood guys, Caius.”
The man chuckles at my forwardness and steps into the light, a smirk evident on his face as I stand before him straight faced, no emotion written anywhere, “Good to see you haven’t forgotten me.”
My eyes narrow at the grey haired man before me as he sits on the edge of a desk, his Devil’s Blood tattoo in plain sight on his forearm, on the same place as my own tattoo. “How can I forget the killer of my sister, father and mother?”
It was rhetorical, and he knew it, but my response caused his sick smirk to grow further, “One, technically speaking Kaycee-”
“Don’t say her name, don’t you dare speak her name,” I growl, interrupting, of course, I realised too late, I was only amusing Caius de Lamire further.
“As I was saying,” He then continued, as if I’d never interrupted. “Technically speaking Kaycee was your half sister as the women who raised you is her mother whereas your mother is dead too, not that you knew either of them, nor Jonathon.” Caius gets up, starting to pace around the room, I couldn’t help it as my eyes travelled around the room.
You couldn’t blame me, this place had always been forbidden to James and I, the one room save for Caius’s own room that we weren’t allowed to ever enter under any circumstances. “It’s a shame,” Caius’s voice invades my mind once more, “That you never got to meet them, Belle always was a sweetheart, beautiful brown hair and big brown doe eyes, I did prefer her to Jonathon’s first wife, that blonde haired tramp, what’s her name?” Caius pauses, as though thinking, “Ah, yes Moira. Didn’t like her, Jonathon just settled with Moira, but he found love with Belle, dragged her into this all too, she hated the fights.”
I didn’t want to be interested in Caius’s words, but as he poured himself a glass of scotch I couldn’t help myself, “What do you mean?”
Caius’s head shoots up, he hadn’t been expecting me to talk at all, I was in an alliance with the gang that Rob and his family was in, but I wasn’t a part of it, this shouldn’t have been that much of a shock. “More detail Kaiden, I’m not a mind reader.” Caius sighs, turning around bringing the glass to his lips.
“About Belle, my mother.”
Caius smiles, an evil smile, turning away from me and grabbing another glass, filling it with a generous amount of scotch, striding over to me with an arrogant smirk on his face, I could see where James had gotten his evil strike from. “Sit and talk with me Kaiden, I’ll tell you what you want to know,” He says holding the glass out to me, I stare at him for a few more seconds, unwavering, waiting for the conditions, “And we’ll discuss some things as well.”
There it is, I think, sighing and wrapping my fingers around the glass.
Simply nodding in response to Caius.
“Moira was one of those girls at the fights, she’s got a few tattoos if my memory is right.” Caius says, my eyebrows raising as I bring the glass to my lips, taking a small sip. “Don’t know what Jonathon saw in her, but they were a fling, nothing more, no emotional strings, well not for Jonathon, it was no secret that Moira liked him, she liked ‘The Viper’ if anything, after a few weeks she fell pregnant.” My ears perk, “He was seventeen at the time that Kaycee was born and Moira was nineteen.”
I try not to let my surprise show, my dad, Jonathon Mathis, had been younger than me when Kaycee had been born, meaning he’d been at least twenty eight or twenty nine when I was born.
“Kaycee was only three when Jonathon met Belle, but he’d always wanted to be a dad and didn’t want to leave Moira alone, even though he didn’t love her.” Caius continued, I couldn’t help it as I leaned forward, resting my arms on my knees, scotch glass dangling loosely in my grip. “He tried fighting his attraction for the girl, I mean, Belle Jones, Mark’s little cousin, she hated the world her cousin lived in, hated the life Jonathon lived in, I believe she lost a best friend to the fights, but we all lose someone at some stage. It was another five years, when Kaycee was eight, when Belle and Jonathon finally gave in. With that Belle became Jonathon’s secret mistress, and Jonathon her secret lover, she didn’t want to tell Mark that she was screwing his married best mate.” Caius pauses to get up and refill his scotch glass, I rub my eyes, the contacts slowly starting to irritate my eyes, and there was nothing I could do about that. “They did well at keeping it a secret, of course that was until a few years later when Belle fell pregnant, Mark just figured she’d had a fling with someone, didn’t think Jonathon would go behind his back like that. Then I do believe you know the rest.” Caius finished off dryly, downing the last of his scotch.
“Kaycee got murdered, then Jonathon, then Belle.” I murmur, it was strange, having a name to put to the title of Birth Mother, but there was still something missing.
“Here boy.” I look up to see Caius holding what looks like a photograph out to me, I transfer my scotch glass from both hands to just one hand, gingerly taking the picture.
There was the a man, in his early twenties or so, ruffled and messy brown hair, black rimmed rectangular glasses perched on the edge of his nose, covering his hazel eyes, a large smile across Jonathon Mathis’s face as one of his tattooed arm was slung around a smaller women’s shoulders, her small delicate hand wrapped around his, her other arm wrapped around his waist, mousey brown hair hung in perfect waves over her shoulders, large brown eyes staring back at me, not a tattoo in sight on this women. “That is Belle.” Caius says quietly, “Jonathon Quinn Mathis and Belle Marie Jones. No one ever figured it out, not until after he died, no one could tell where the brown doe eyes had come from, they weren’t Jonathon’s nor Moira’s, then it clicked eventually.”
I place the photo and my glass on the coffee table beside me, linking my hands together, “Why are you telling me this?” I get out, clenching my eyes shut, but it was no use, the image of my mother Belle, was imprinted in my brain.
“Because, Kaiden, I want us to come to an agreement.” Caius says, I open my eyes and look up to the man standing a few feet away, “I want you to join the Diabolus Sánguinis.” He says point blank.
My eyes widen and I shoot up so I’m standing. “No. I refuse to be a part of Devil’s Blood, I won’t kill anyone, I’m not you.”
Caius narrows his eyes at me, “You will accept, and you will be grateful,” He says slowly, causing me to narrow my eyes at him in return, “Or,” An eyebrow raises, hiding beneath my fringe, “I send my men after the little blonde one, what’s her name? That girl you and James seem to be smitten with and have both had at least once?”
My eyes widen in fear, “Annalisa.” I breath out, my breath caught in my throat.
I can’t help but notice how a smirk crosses Caius’s features, “Annalisa,” He repeats, as if seeing how the name would taste on his tongue, “Yes, if you cross me Kaiden, I will not hesitate to hunt little Annalisa down, her end will not be fast like Kaycee’s was, it won’t be clean like Jonathon’s was and it most certainly won’t be painless like Belle’s.”
“No, you won’t hurt her.” I growl, causing Caius to simply laugh before he continues.
“Don’t worry Kaiden, I’ll make sure she knows that it’s because you refused to do a simple thing.” Caius says smugly.
I take in and let out a shaky breath, keeping my eyes level and trained on the older man across the room, “Fine. But leave Anna alone.”
Caius’s facial expression turns smug, as if he’d expected it, “You’ve got your mother’s brains that’s for sure.”
The room felt like a prison, it was nice, don’t get me wrong, but it wasn’t home.
I close my eyes as I lay back on the double bed, Annalisa slipping into my thoughts. I could still feel her fingertips, waking me up, tracing my tattoo lightly, I never did that to her enough, I never told her that I loved her tattoos, the small designs scattered up both her arms.
I loved the outline of the little dove on the inside of her right forearm that was done in such good detail, the cursive writing of two names of the twins on the inside of her left forearm: Georgia and Theresa. The curved and fancy cross going over her wrist and hand. The three words going down three fingers on her left hand: “BELIEVE IN MY WAYS” Believe on her pointer, In My was on her middle finger and Ways was on her index finger. The little ruby red stars, those were outlined in black in swirling formation on the top of her right hand. The four lines of script on the inside of her right wrist, the first line saying: EVERYTHING. The second line saying: HAPPENS. The third line: FOR A. The forth line: REASON. It fancily underlined. There were more little tattoos scattered on her arms, that I hadn’t yet had the chance to memorise.
I loved when she fell asleep on her stomach with her blonde hair tied up, showing her neck tattoo, tracing the beautiful calligraphy script ‘Valor de las memorias’ I never got to ask her what it meant.   
But mostly I really liked her Love and Lust tattoo that sat on her left hipbone. LOVE written first then underlined, before LUST was written upside down and underneath it. I don’t know why, but I loved it.
I know she couldn’t love me, I know she wouldn’t lust after me after this, in fact it would be best if she hated me, I had to make Annalisa hate me, It would keep her safe.
But how do I make her hate me? I’d tried before in the truck, but I think I ruined in when getting her out of this hell.
Someone knocks on the door, “Yes?” I call opening my eyes as the door opens.
James steps in, looking annoyed yet smug about something, “Come, Ivory wishes to speak to you.” He says holding the door open for me as I walk out. “You do remember her, yes?”
I follow behind James as we walk down the corridor, it was still familiar. “Yes.” I say, keeping my facial expressions blank, “I remember her.”
“Kaiden!” I released the small curly black haired boy, who spun around his blue eyes danced with amusement.
I turned around to face the red haired lady who stood at the top of the den, not daring to step into mine and James’s den. Caius had said no one was to enter without our permission, and we weren’t planning on letting that up anytime soon.
“Ivory!” I yelled in mock response, causing James to snicker at me.
“Go see what she wants brother.” The twelve year old, James, murmurs in my ear. “Then we can get back to practicing.”
I chuckle as I walk up the steps, “Why? So you can beat me some more brother?” I throw over my shoulder causing James to laugh loudly.
Ivory cuts off James’s laughter by closing the door harshly, “Come Kaiden.” She orders, turning away and walking down the hall, I roll my eyes at the women’s retreating back.
I sigh, following, holding myself tall, Ivory didn’t frighten me.
“Again!” Ivory snaps at me, it had to have been an hour or more since she called me away.
“Why!” I growl back, trying to control my breathing, I’d long since discarded my shirt, sweat running down my face, making my hair stick to the back of my neck and my forehead.
Ivory narrows her green eyes at me, “I will not be questioned by a twelve year old.” She shoots out at me, “Right hook first. Roundhouse kick second. Again Kaiden.”
I narrow my brown eyes at her scowling, but sure enough send a right hook into the punching bag, the force making it swing backwards away from me, as it came in I spun, rising my leg, kicking the side of the bag, changing its course. “Why?” I repeat breathless.
“You need more strength,” She says ignoring my question, “Push ups, now.” I groan, but nonetheless do as she says. “My sister does not want you here, she doesn’t want you fighting.” Ivory says, coming down to my level as I worked through the push-ups.
I always forgot that Ivory was Moira’s twin, my stepmother. Moira may as well be my mother; I know nothing of my biological mother. Moira with her blonde hair and Ivory with her red hair, the only thing they shared was their green eyes.
“Change to sit-ups.” Ivory interrupts my thoughts, “You are the lost son of Jonathon Maths, The Viper, knowing you, you will end up getting involved, Moira won’t be the one to help you Kaiden, I will be. Just remember that when you’re hating me.”
“Kaiden.” Her slick, yet familiar voice slices through my thoughts.
I raise my eyes from my feet to the red haired women standing before me, much to my surprise it wasn’t a smirk across her lips, but a real smile? “Thank you James.” She nods in his direction and he leaves, closing the door behind us. “You’re alive.” She breathes out.
“You doubted?” I can’t help but respond, keeping my face blank.
Who knew how genuine her smile was. My eyes flutter down to her right hand, everyone got to choose where their Devil’s Blood tattoo went, and that’s where Ivory’s was. The black devils triton, with the blood from the tips and around the handle. Plus the Latin words scripted carefully above the tattoo on her wrist: Diabolus Sánguinis. 
“I really shouldn’t have, I was the one to train you after all.” And there’s the cocky Ivory. “But Moira didn’t tell me, last thing I heard about you Kaiden, was that you were expelled.” Ivory adds, walking away and sitting down in an armchair. “Please, sit.”
Ivory orders, I stand at the door for a few moments before walking over and sitting in an armchair across from her. “Why do you want to see me?” I say after a few moments of silence.
I don’t know what I expected Ivory to say, but what she did say surprised me.  
“You can’t join Devil’s Blood Kaiden,” I raise an eyebrow at her words as she keeps her eyes trained on me. “They’re the reason Caius is greedy, they are the reason Kaycee, Jonathon and Belle are dead. You won’t be able to do what Caius did. You’re too much like your mother.”
I frown, “You knew her.” I whisper before shaking my head, clenching my eyes shut for a moment, when I open my eyes I meet Ivory’s eyes, “I have to Ivory,” I say quietly, “I need to keep Anna safe, I need to get her to hate me and forget about me, but mostly I need to get her safe.” My voice cracks at the end and I swallow back a lump in my throat.
“You love this Anna don’t you?” Ivory says quietly.
I can’t help but hold her green eyes with my brown ones. “Yes. I do.”
I stand there as Caius and James plus three other male members of Devil’s Blood sit before me. “Kaiden.” Caius says, as though seeing how my name sounded. “We’ve decided that, since the only reason you’re joining is to save Miss. Annalisa Evans.” I hear my sharp in take of breath and mentally curse myself as I see Caius and the other three men smirk, James just looking blank faced at the ground. “You have to cut her out of your life,” My eyes trail back to Caius.
Before moving onto the next man who speaks, “You must make her hate you and never come after you.” He continues on where Caius left off, “You must convince the Jones’s that you’re willingly joining Devil’s Blood. Make them hate you.”
“Don’t mess it up Kaiden.” Caius says as everyone leaves the room, walking around me, “Don’t make the mistake your father made.”
I take in a deep breath, “Where and when will I do this?”
My disgust grows as an almost proud smirk crosses Caius’s face, “This towns annual masquerade ball. You’ll go with James tomorrow to get everything for this weekend.”
I watch him as he walks out, the second he’s out of sight I let my façade down, I close my eyes shut tightly, “Be ready to leave at nine thirty sharp.”
My head shoots up and I see James only just getting up out of his seat. He averts his eyes away from me, not looking at me as he walks past. “Remember brother, make her hate you.”
For once the term brother hadn’t came out like sarcasm, like a sneer, it sounded almost genuine.
“Kaiden James Mathis.” My mother, Moira, sighed, pushing her blonde hair out of her face as she looks down at me. “Expulsion?”
I keep my eyes averted away from her, holding the icepack to my cheek, “He punched me first.” I mumble.
“You’re only sixteen and you’ve gone through all the schools here.” She says, running a hand through her hair in frustration, ignoring my comment. “We have to leave.”
“Mum?” I now stand up, looking down at her instead, even at sixteen I was tall, something Ivory said I got from my deceased father, “No-”
“Pack, just what’s necessary, we can start over Kaiden, I’ll call Marcus. He’ll help us.” Now she seemed to be murmuring to herself, “Yes, that sounds good. Go Kaiden. Now.”
I don’t know why I was so against it, it meant a new start. James hated me for sleeping with his cheating girlfriend anyway.
This is what I need, a new start, a chance to do well.
“Names Robin.” The black haired boy looked down at me a little bit, he was only just taller than me.
“Kaiden, how old are you?” The curiosity gets the best of me, but Robin just laughs, chucking a blanket on the bed I’d be sleeping in.
“Nineteen, but I’m twenty next week.” He replies looking at me. “You’ve got to be a junior in school right?”
I shake my head, “Sophomore,” Robin just nods and my eyes go down to his arms, scared, bruised and tattoo ridden, “You fight?” I say surprised.
Robin laughs once more, but this was a nervous on, “Yeah, not very good at it, better at finding the other fighters weaknesses.” His green eyes, just a few shades darker than my mother’s, drop down to my hands, “What about you aye?”
“I fought.” I shrug my shoulders.
Robin, to my surprise laughs, “Mate, you either fight or you don’t, there’s no past tense, ask my brother or my father. Once you’re in, you’re in.”
Robin sits down on the other bed on the other side of his room as I lean against the wall, “I can’t, mum would have my head, I just got expelled for fighting.”
A smirk crosses Robin’s face, “Well then, we just can’t let her find out.”

*A/N Kade's History revealed!!!!<3 Thought it was fitting, and some information y'all might want to know.
The last chapter was a little un responsive:/

The Bad Girl and The Good Boy (#Wattys2014)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum