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Who leaves the window unlocked?

Apparently being in a gang means you don’t have to lock anything, idiot.

What are you doing?” I freeze, most of my body already through the window expect for one leg and my hand that was holding onto the ledge, I slowly look up through my hair, which had fallen over my eyes, almost relieved upon seeing Daniel.


He looked angry to say the least, “They thought you might come, but I thought that maybe, just maybe, you had a brain cell or two, apparently not.” Daniel shakes his head, striding over to me and pulling me in the house, closing the window after.

I shake my head and push my hair away from my face, “Where are the others?” I question looking around, as if they were going to pop up out of nowhere. A silent ‘Where’s Kade?’ added to the end.

Daniel shakes his head again, “We split up,” He finally says with a sigh, “James, Chase, Kaiden and Victorie should be out of the building. Trevor, Joey and Antony are somewhere, Trevor was leading them to Robin last I heard.”

I nod, taking in his words, Kade wasn’t in the building, it didn’t mean he was safe but was certainly better than the alternative, him being in here and in danger, “Why are you alone?” I ask, eying Daniel confused.

Daniel shrugs, “I tried to lead them away from the others, now come on, let’s go.”

With that he turns his back on me and walks down the hall, I stare after him for a second, but upon hearing footsteps coming towards us I bolt over to Daniel, walking close to him, hitting him over the shoulder as he lets out a chuckle.

A chuckle that’s cut short as he pushes me back, I watch wide eyed as Daniel swings at the tall man before him, my eyes widening even further as I catch sight of the gun that the gang man pulls out.

I watch as Daniel disarms him, the gun gliding across the floor stopping in front of me, I stare at the gun for a few seconds before I hear Daniel let out a sharp gasp, I let my eyes go back to them as Daniel throws a hard punch to the man’s face, his neck snapping back in what looked like a bad position before he stumbled back and fell over.

I watched Daniel as he watched the man, before Daniel let out a gut wrenching cough, blood splattering the floor at his feet before he stumbles back and collapses. I hear the other man start to move, and without thinking I squat down and pick up the gun, shakily pointing it at him as he starts to sit up.

The man laughs throatily at me, “Go on Evans, shoot me,” He taunts, “You pa couldn’t, and I bet you can’t either, swe-”

Until that moment, I didn’t realise how loud a gun would be, I didn’t know about the power in pulling the trigger and how much my arm would hurt afterwards. After the shot stopped echoing around the room I realised what I’d done, I drop the gun, my ears ringing as I drop down next to Tori’s brother, the knife protruding out of his stomach.

“Daniel,” I whisper, “Hey, look at me,” I reach over and turn his face to look at me, shakily I reach up and pull a chain out from under my shirt, the charms dangling. “It’s safe, ‘hidden in plain sight’ remember? I’ll get it to Victorie and Justin, I promise you.” I add before tucking the charms back down my shirt.

I could hear the sound of feet running towards us from both directions, I wipe the tears that had started to cloud my vision, before I could stand up I feel a hand wrap around my wrist, “Th-The kn-knife.” He stammers hoarsely.

The Bad Girl and The Good Boy (#Wattys2014)Where stories live. Discover now