chapter 10

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Time passed by in a blur. Today is exactly two weeks since James and I were asked to return to the hospital. Well the two weeks was so uneventful.

But I was a little bit glad when james described himself to me. Now I know the color of his hair, eyes and skin. I can't see them for now but hopefully someday I will.

Just the usual, James goes to work. My tutor comes to teach me and I take a stroll with Mrs Joan.

Currently we are seating in the doctor's office waiting for the result of the test. I'm so nervous. My hands where so sweaty.

The doctor is not around and it left with just the two of us. We where in lost in our thoughts, the clearing of a throat brought us back to reality.I didn't even hear him come.

What could have occupied James thoughts that he didn't also hear the doctor come in.

"Sorry didn't hear you come inn." James apologized to the doctor.

" Well sorry for keeping you waiting. A colleague wanted me to check something for her.I have good news and bad news,which do you prefer to hear first." Doctor Lucian asked as he rubbed his palms together.

I held James hands so tightly, seeking comfort and strength from him. I couldn't seat still.

"bad news first." James spoke after some minutes of silence which was becoming awkward.

"The bad news is It possible that after the operation she won't be able to get her sight back forever. Her eye sight might be damaged beyond repair." Doctor Lucian said in a professional manner.

"And the good news is it possible that she will gain her sight after the operation without any problems." He concluded.

The doctor after breaking the news kept quite just drumming his hand in the desk. The room was so silent except for the drumming of his finger.

"Do you still want to proceed with the operation." The doctor asked us since none of us was willing to give an answer.

"Doc can you give us a second please ." James politely asked the doctor who excused himself from the room.

"Amelia do you still want to proceed with the operation.? You heard what the doctor said. I don't want to get your hopes up or let you miss the opportunity of gaining your sight back." James asked me. I was beyond petrified.

"James, I'm scared I don't know what will happen to me, I really want to see you and the rest of the family." I told James, for once I didn't hide my fear, I need to make him know how I feel.

"Don't worry I will be beside you all through this. Have faith it will be successful." James assured me as he kissed my temple.

" What If It doesn't go as planned?" I questioned James who is nothing but calm on the outside but nervous in the inside.

"Amelia, don't worry it will be successful. You know he is one of the best Ophthalmologist in the country." James said to me. Squeezing my hand.

After James reassuring me of having a successful operation the doctor was called inside.

He called a nurse and the nurse lead me to a different room. She gave me a dress to wear and I ask her what was that. She only said it was a hospital gown.

I didn't know the surgery will take place so soon. Well I can't say I'm not prepared just a little bit scared and nervous.

The nurse wheeled me to a different room. The air conditioning and the fragrance of the room shows it a VIP room.

"Amelia the doctor and I have discussed everything the surgery will take place five hours from now since he has another surgery scheduled." Said to me as he helped me lay on the bed.

"And some drugs will be infused into you. To help you relax and calm for the surgery." Continued as the nurse was infusion some fluids I guess into my body.

I was talking to James about general things when my eye lids felt heavy. I was out before I could finish with what I was telling James.

It been five hours now and have been wheeled to the operation room.

James has been pacing the corridor for hours. It been four hours since Amelia was taken to the operation room. He is so sick and worried about her.

No one has come out to say anything to him and he is getting impatient. James had called his parents to tell them about the operation and they where seating in the waiting room with him.

Allison and his mum where able to make it. Edward and his father are on a business trip and Sapphire is at a seminar.

He decided to enter the operation room with or without their permission. His mum and aunt tried to stop him but to no avail.

Like the doctors heard his thoughts, doctor Lucian came out.

He was wearing no expression. James was curious to know how the surgery went.

"Dr Lucian please tell me it not what I'm thinking." James pleaded with the young doctor. His mum and Aunty where standing beside him anxious also.

Doctor Lucian put his hands on his lap coat and rocked on both his heels.

"Dr Lucian where is Amelia, was the operation successful." by then James was almost in tears. The doctor didn't say anything but shake his head.

" you never told us there is a possibility she wouldn't make it out alive." James took menacing steps towards the doctor.

"No! Amelia no!!." James wailed her name as he held the Doctor by the neck.

James didn't know uncle Edward and his father where on the way to the hospital. They arrived on time to witness James holding the doctor by the neck.

Passers by have started to gather to know what was going on. Allison is so nub so is Mina.

It took James dad and Edward Allison's husband to save Dr Lucian from been strangled to death by James.

James was crying uncontrollable by now. The Doctor wanted to talk but he finds it difficult to breath and was coughing.

"Son why are you trying to kill the Doctor. His father who didn't know what has happened asked.

James told them Amelia was in the operation room but now she is dead.

"He didn't tell us she could die die during the surgery" James glared at the doctor who face has turned into green due to lack of oxygen.

"Mum, Dad Amelia is dead." James broke down into tears again. As he was grieving his love one.

No body has died from an eye operation before it might be a mistake.

Oh my god. Amelia is dead. What happened. Do you really believe in miracles.

I can't wait to update the next chapter.

Guys please go and check my book hired to kill. You will love it.

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