Chapter 22

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Calla's PROV

I walked into the huge dinning room to see almost everyone sitting and digging in to the dishes of food on the table. Wow those ladies did a wonderful job. I scanned the room looking for a place to sit, I see Jace sitting at the head of the table with Jasper and Holden at his sides.

They all looked worried and haunted. I sigh as I walk over the them, I stand behind Jace's chair and cough loudly so they would know im there, "I deserve this seat." Jace nodded and went to sit next to Holden. I looked up as I sat down to see everyone's faces masked with shock, YEAH! I took the alphas seat, I deserve it....

I was doing everything the alpha SHOULD be doing... maybe Jace should give his position to me. I would love to be alpha... it would make me feel like I worth something.

Anyways, back to the dinner. I grab my glass of wine and stand up, "Thank you all for attending this mandatory pack dinner I planned, made by Lucy and her girls... Amazing job Ladies! After dinner I would like everyone to go to the pack meeting room. Everyone enjoy dinner!"

I did cheers with everyone who actually walked up to the head of the table to clink their glass with mine... I never knew I was that special. I dug into my dinner...mmm its so good, chicken wings with green bean casserole and stuffing with apple sauce and many sides. Wolves are good cooks. I sigh and look over to Jasper, Jace and Holden.

I clear my throat and smile, "Guys before the pack meeting starts I want you to know... I am definitely leading my pack to battle and I am going to face the alpha.. and make sure he dies."

They all nodded sadly. I sigh, "Come on, im not going to get hurt, I am the most powerful faye in the world. Im unstoppable." Jasper smirks and the last part, "Don't be cocky princess." I wink at Jasper. I feel Holden rub my knee, The sparks fly through my body...

I cant make this feeling go away, the need for my mates. I know I cant keep all three of them, its to much work and its weird. There has to be a way that they all have other mates, but choosing will be a bitch. I hate having big life-changing descions.

Urgh im nervous for the meeting, what if people freak out about the battle. I don't think everyone knows why I called that mandatory practice... I do think some people know because people look worried. I sigh, I gotta go make sure the room is ready for me.

I smile at everyone as I leave. Gosh, does Jace feel this way every time he has to speak in front of his huge pack, its like 500 people!!!

I do want to be alpha though, but no woman has ever been alpha of a pack... but I bet it would be pretty cool and fun.

I practically already sweat power and strength... not to be cocky or anything. I walk into the huge room to see everything perfect; about 550 chairs and there are seats on the stage lined up in the back, then theirs a podium, with a micro phone. I guess that's where Im going to drop the bomb (news of war). I hang back by the entrance so I could welcome people as they enter.

"Welcome, Please take a seat anywhere!." I smile at people as they say 'thank you Luna' Man, I get lots of smiles and grins and simply a lot of kindness. I remember my first day with Quinn.. haha! I haven't seen her in a while, I wonder how shes doing.

I'll check in with her when I get the chance. I pull out of my thoughts so see the room is filled up and the faye/ wolf council of this pack (region) is on stage in their seats. Man im so nervous... I walk onto the stage, I can feel eyes on me. CALM DOWN CALLA! ITS YOUR PACK! I sigh, and see Jasper and Jace sitting in their seats behind me. I grin at Jasper and walk to the microphone. I take a deep breathe.

"Welcome Everyone! I'm glad you all attended this pack meeting. I am your new Luna, which most of you know. I am faye, a special kind of faye, I am part succubus, nymph and telepathic. You all know the Dark Dawning Pack, had an attack a couple days ago, Alpha Luke sent his third in command, but their attack failed because of your brave fellow wolves!"

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